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I was waiting, but I was getting nervous. I was starting to pace back and forth. I wanted to see Edward, but I knew I had to wait.
"You know you're going to wear a hole in the floor if you don't stop pacing." I turned to see Emmett's big smiley face. "Emmett what are you doing here?" I ran up and gave him a hug. "I had to see my sister before she got married, plus Edward asked me to come to tell you he knows you're nervous and to relax. That soon you will be in his arms." I started to relax with those simple words.

"Thank you, Emmett. Edward always knows how to calm me down even when he's not with me." I told Emmett. "I gotta go, I'll tell him you love him and you look amazing by the way." Emmett hugs me one more time.

I heard the door again and Timber comes in and sits next to me with his little tuxedo and ring bearer pillow on and Charlie walks in behind him. Timber looked so adorable. My father looked so handsome. "You look so beautiful baby girl." Charlie looked like he was about to cry. "Thank you daddy. I feel like I'm in a fairy tale." Charlie starts laughing.

"Alright you know something I know that look." He just kept laughing. Alice finally walked in. "Are you ready?" She asked. I nod. They lead me outside and once I stepped outside I looked up to see a beautiful white horse. It had white flowers braided in its mane and tail with white ribbons.

"You gotta be kidding me!" I smiled. "Well when you found your dress and said you felt like you were in a fairy tale we just came up with the theme and just made it as a surprise for you." Alice explained.

"If you guys didn't work hard on my makeup I would cry right now. Thank you!" I told them. Charlie helped me up on the horse and I sat sideways on the horse. Charlie went to the head of the horse and held the bridle.

"You ready baby girl?" Charlie asked. "Yeah!" Charlie started walking and we started moving. I knew we had a little bit to go before we got up there. When we got close and the trees were filled with flowers and there started a path of flowers and stone. It was all so beautiful.

"Dad it's so beautiful." I told him. "It's all for you baby girl, it's your day." He told me. It was my day. As much as I hated attention, this was all so perfect. As we got closer I seen like a wooden step that I would stop at to climb off the horse, but first we had to go over the bridge.

I was getting closer to Edward my prince, well at least for today. As we come to a stop, Charlie grabs both my hands and helps me down. "Don't let me fall daddy!" I told him. "Never baby girl." I walked down the rest of the steps and step firmly until the ground.

The music started, all of the stars by Ed Sheeran came on.

It was so perfect and again I wanted to cry. Alice and everyone out did themselves again and I couldn't do this in my wildest dream. I watched Emmett and Rosalie go first, then Jasper and Alice went. Then Edward's little cousin Julie was the flower girl, she was spreading the flowers perfectly. Then Jacob was walking Timber, who was carrying the pillow with the rings on it.

If only Jacob knew who Timber was. Edward and I only thought it was fitting that Jacob walk Timber down the aisle. Then the song a thousand years started.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora