PART 3 CAMPING TRIP (Unwanted visitor)

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Edward picks me up and carries me back to the tent. "Go back to sleep." He kisses me on the forehead. He walks back out of the tent. It didn't take me long to fall back asleep. I could smell coffee. I slowly get up. I just sit there for a few minutes before I get up.

I grab my crutches and hobble out. I look around but don't see Edward. But he got breakfast done and coffee. "Edward and Seth must of gone for a walk." I go to the storage tent. He got it set up. I went back out and sat for a while I was eating I was starting to wondering where Edward and Seth went.

I finally shrugged it off, so I could focus on a new name for Seth. I knew Edward was right in a way. I didn't want a stupid dogs name though I wanted something that would reminded me of courage, strength, love and hope. Because without those and Edward never giving up me, I wouldn't be here today. I shiver at the thought that I wanted to die.

I still do a little but it's slowly going away. I wonder what would've happen if Edward didn't do anything. I quickly shake off the thought and go back to thinking of a name. I know it has to be special. I like Dakota, Bear. I will call him Timber. I see Edward and Seth walk out of the woods finally and Seth comes and lays down beside me and lays his head on my lap like he always does.

Edward pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down next to me. "How long you been up beautiful?" Edward leans over and kisses me on the cheek. I blush. "You still need glasses, I'm not beautiful, and I been up for about a hour." I told him. He smiled. "I come up with a name for Seth." Edward turned and looked at me. "So what you figure out for him?" He asked me.

"Alright don't laugh me, but I decided on Timber." I told him. Edward raised a eyebrow.m"Why you decide on that kind of name?" He asked with confusion written on his face. "Well it reminds me of the woods, but there's meaning behind it though."
I told him.

"Don't look at me like that, Edward. Let me tell you why then you might understand. Reason 1: We confessed our feelings to each other in the woods. Reason 2: I love camping. Reason 3: You brought me back to find myself, which makes me very grateful to you. Reason: 4 Seth came back to me. He may never be in human form again Edward but he felt like a brother to me and he always trying to find a way to protect me like you do and that means so much to me." I explain to him.

Seth lifted his head and licked my face. I looked down at him. "So I take it you like Timber then and I can start calling you Timber?"
He barks twice. I look over to Edward and he had this weird smile on his face. "What?" I asked him.

"Wondering how you came up with Timber and how you say the most wonderful things of why you name things. I love the name it's a good name." Edward told me. I smiled. "I'm going to go get dressed you two hold the fort down." I told them.

I went into the tent and put on a pair of jeans a t-shirt, and a flannel shirt. I had decided to leave my hair down for a while. But I put my hair tie on my on my wrist just in case I decide to put it up later.

I hubble back out and sat back down. "So what do you want to do today?" Edward asked me. "Want to really go do some fishing only because I want some fresh fish tonight."

I turned and gave him my puppy dog eyes because I knew he didn't want to go fishing today. Edward shook his head. "Alright, but you're helping me clean the fish then." I kissed him on the cheek. "Deal!" Edward gather up the stuff and packed up the back packs. He helped me put on mine. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yep!"

We headed out to the river it was only about a 3 minute walk to the river, but with me on crutches it took a little longer. Once we got there I hobble over to the big boulder. I sat the crutches down and back pack and climbed up on the boulder and sat down next to the river.

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