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I finally get to go home today. My home of course will always be my dad's house and Forks Washington. They still haven't found Riley. Edward told me he will never leave my side again unless he has to, sort of speak.

He holding to his promise though we our going to finish our honeymoon as soon as the doctor gives me the ok. We may be 17 but we know we love each other. We already had to the battle a long distance relationship, hardship, and loss. I know we have a bigger battle ahead. Were fighting to get our life back and now I'm not doing it alone.

"Hey beautiful, how are this morning?" Edward asked me walking in. I giggled. "You really need glasses!" I told him. He leans over and gives me a kiss. "Well, one good thing you don't have to wear a cast on your leg." Edward told me.

"Yeah, thanks to you!" I told him. The doctor said by Edward setting it like he save my leg and it wasn't as damaged as they thought it was.
The break healing nicely and everything will heal very well. They said that when we get the ok to go back on our honeymoon there going to let Edward work with my leg.

I been in this stupid hospital for 3 weeks and I'm ready to get out of here. Edward said his shoulder still hurts him, but he just calls it his battle wound. My wrist only has a splint on it. Even though I broke it when I knocked Riley over the cliff. They keep telling me I'm a daredevil.

"Well just waiting for your charity and your out of here." Charlie said.
Everyone went back to Phoenix. Which was fine because I don't think I could handle a shopping trip with Alice.

"You ready?" Edward asked me. "Yeah!" Edward scoops me up and sits me in the wheelchair. Charlie grabs my crutches. We head out. I was ready to whatever awaited me, cause this time I knew I wasn't alone in my battle, and Edward would be with me no matter what now.

Thank you for reading my stories.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

 The next book in the series is Fighting to get our life back now!

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now