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I sit back down laughing at Seth stealing our dinner. Edward walks out and sits down beside me and puts a marshmallow on a long fork thing for the fire and hands it to me. I stuck it over the fire and it caught on fire. I pull it out and blew it out. Edward hands me Graham cracker with chocolate on it. I took the fork and leaned it against my good knee. I grabbed the graham crackers and put the chocolate and the marshmallow between them and squeezed it and slid it off the fork.

I looked at Edward and he was looking at me funny. I smiled. "What?" I asked him. He starts laughing at me. I elbow him. He turned and started to tickle me. "Edward quit, that's not fair." I told him. But I couldn't stop laughing. I finally kissed him to get him to quit. He pulls a way. I just smile. "I could use to this!" I told him. He shakes his head and laughs at me.

I grabbed my knee realizing it started to hurt again. "Bella are you alright?" Edward asked me.

"Yeah, my leg and knee just needs the bandages changed and rewrapped. It's been a little red plus I'm just getting use to being up on it again. I just wish the wound would heal quicker." I told him.
"Don't move I will get the stuff and do it for you." Edward told me. I told him some of the stuff was in the tent because I cleaned it last night.

He went and grabbed the stuff first and the lantern. He sat it down. Then walked into the storage tent. I see his flash light dancing around. Seth walks over and lays down beside me. I start petting him. It feels good to have him here. " I remember my Uncle Mikey use to tell me stories like this. That sometimes good spirits like our protectors or guardians can come to us in animal form to help us in our time of need. To help us through the toughest part of our life and guide us unto the right path again. Is that what you're doing Seth helping me to guide me on a path to find myself again or should I say helping Edward to help me. But I can't help but think there was something else about this and I just can't remember." He lifted his head and barks twice and licks me. I started laughing.

"Take that a yes from Seth?" Edward asked. I looked up. "Yep! But which part." Edward comes and sits down next to me. He gives me a blanket and grabs my leg gently and puts it on his lap.

"It healing good, I think you're right it just needs a good cleaning that's why it's red and you're getting use to walking on it." He hands me some pills. I look at him. "What's this?" I asked him. Well let see one is your birth control which you have not took in four days should I remind you. The other is a painkiller to help with the pain." He tells me while he hands me a bottle of water.

"Shit I can't believe I didn't take my birth control. I use to be on top of that." I tell him. While he wraps my knee back up he tells me. "You hit that on the button. You been out of the real world for awhile!" His face went to a sad expression when he said that. It almost looked like he was crying. After he put my leg down. I thought I ask him how bad, because it was all kind of fuzzy to me. Not making excuses or anything.

"Edward was I that out of it and that distance?" He turns his head completely away from me. "Bella can we just talk about something else right now please?" I took a deep breath. "No Edward, not if it hurts you this bad. I need to know how bad I was to hurt you like this."
Edward gets up and walks away. Seth starts nudging me. "Stop, Seth." I told him. Seth wouldn't stop. I finally look at Seth. He nods his head the direction Edward went. "Alright I'm going." I tell him.

I get up and reach for my crutches. "Seth stay here, I'll be alright." I told him. I hobble into the direction Edward went. I finally find him sitting there. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"How am I supposed to help myself when the both of us need help. Edward I need to know please tell me." I waited for him to talk.
I finally felt his hand on mine. He slowly leads me to the front of him. "Edward don't shut me out." I can feel him looking up at me. I drop my crutches and I sit beside him. “I think going up there will help us both Edward. I lost myself somewhere through all this." I climb on his lap sideways. I put my hand on the side of Edward face.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant