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          Edward pov

I laid on the bed and all I thought about was Bella. I closed my eyes and all I seen was her.

It was just eating at me and I just had to see her, hold her in my arms and kiss her one last time.

I got off the bed and went to Alice's door and knocked on it. She opened it. "I need Jasper please and now." Jasper walks up to the door.

"I need you to drive me to the airport please. I don't think I could handle driving right now." I told him.

He took me to the  airport  and on the way there I  gotten  a text from Bella.

Bella: Edward, I understand why you didn't come. I want you to please imagine me giving you a hug but also imagine me giving you one last kiss until I see you again. This isn't goodbye this is just me going on a vacation. I will always love you Edward Cullen. Love always and forever, Yours truly Bella.

"Please hurry Jasper." I told him. "I'm trying Edward. I'm driving over the speed limit here." I leaned my head against the window.

I knew then I had to get there and when I did I thought I was to late but then I saw her.

"BELLA, WAIT, PLEASE!" She slowly turned around. She sat her stuff down and ran over to me and stopped just in front of me.

"I thought you weren't going to show up." She had tears falling. I  took my hands and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "I almost didn't Bella, but I had to hold you in my arms one more time and kiss you one more time just until I see you again." She giggled.

I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We started to kiss, like we weren't going to see each other no more. But then I pulled away and whispered in my ear, "Breath, Bella! I love you too forever and always. This isn't goodbye."

She pulled away and I  watched as she walked away from me with tears still in her eyes. I knew and felt that she didn't want to go but she had no choice in the matter.

As for me I hated this as much as she did. She's walking off with my heart.

There will be no other that will replace her until she returns and I have her in my arms again and maybe this time forever.

When I seen Bella close her eyes, I knew exactly what she was doing so I closed my eyes to. I imagined myself wrapping my arms around Bella's waist bringing her close to me and kissing her one last time. I open them to see her mouth to me "I love you!" I smile at her and mouth back at her, "I love you too!"

I watched her walk away. I walked over to the window and put my hand on the glass as I watch the plane leave and take off with my Bella on it.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "We will all miss her but I don't think as much as you Edward. You loved my daughter very much. You will miss her the most as she will miss you just as much son. I always knew you 2 would be together. Mikey and I believe Bella and your love is strong and one day she will need that love and I hope you will be there for her because the kind of love you two share does not happen often."

I hold back my tears and turn around and look Charlie straight into his eyes. "Sir, I swear to you one day I will marry your daughter, I don't know when, but I vow to wait for her and I don't care how long it takes me. She took my heart with her today." After I had talked to Charlie. I turned around and walked away. Jasper was waiting for me. I got into the car.

"Edward are you okay?" I just looked out the window. "Just take me home Jasper please." He looked at me with concern.

But all I wanted to do was go home and go to my bedroom. When we got home I just went into my bedroom without looking at anyone or saying anything. I heard Alice call out for me. Jasper told her don't to just let me be for now.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now