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I got up and checked on Bella. She was sleeping. I grabbed the extra sleeping bag and took it over by the fire. I wasn't going to far just in case. I made some coffee because I knew this was going to be a long night. I sat there by the fire thinking of how I could go about working on getting my Bella back.

I missed being able to hold her in my arms. After she came home from the hospital, she drew further and further from me, from everyone. She wouldn't talk to anyone, barely to me, I even was sleeping on the couch. I was afraid of this happening. I hope getting her away helps. "Edward!" I turn and see Bella trying to stand up. "I'm sorry, I should've never said those things to you. I don't hate you!" She tells me.

"Bella, I am doing this for you!" I tell her. She motion for me to help her. "Edward, it kills me to be scared of you and it took you to bring me here to realize it. I didn't know it! Why you bring me here?" I look at her. "To get you away from everything. I needed it to be just you and me, I needed to at least try."

She looks at the fire. "At least try what Edward. All I do is destroy life's, hell my life so screwed up it that I killed my Uncle." I gasp when she said that. "2 people died because of me Edward, how many more have to die or get hurt because of me? Don't give all that bull shit Edward, I heard it already, so please just save it."

"Bella so what is everyone supposed to do watch you keep going deeper into depression until your just cut off from everyone. Oh wait that's already happened. Now you don't hardly eat. You won't even talk to me. Hell you're even scared of me now." I tell her.

"So what Edward at least I'm not hurting anyone. I wished it was me that dyed not Uncle Mikey. At least if I was died no one would have to worry about Riley hurting me anymore. I won't have to worry who going to die next. I just rather be dead!" I sat there staring at her. "Bella, please tell me that's not true you don't want to be dead?" I asked her.

"Sorry to burst your bubble that's how I feel." She said, without feeling without nothing I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I got up I had to walk away from her right now. "Edward, what? It's the truth!" She tried to keep talking. "Bella, just stop I don't want to hear no more, I can't hear no more." I walk away. I decided to go to the spot that I confessed how I felt for her.

I dig out my phone because I haven't hid it yet. I dial Jasper number. "Edward are you alright it's late." He says. "Jasper can you sneak away I need my best friend right now, but no one can know please." I told him. "Yeah no problem, where do I meet you?" I tell him.

About hour and half later he shows up on his motor bike. "Edward, hey bud are you alright?" He asked me. I explained to him what Bella told me. "Oh man that's gotta suck. I have an idea that just might work but it's going to be hard on you to." He tells me his idea.


I watched Edward walk away. I don't know where he was going, but I didn't care. I told him how I felt. It was the truth to. I would rather be dead. I started feeling tired again, so I waited a little bit to see if Edward come back but he didn't. I just shrug my shoulders. I scooted myself into tent and fell asleep.

I woke up with the sun shining in the tent. I sat up and grabbed the bag. I dig through it to put actual clothes on and got out of these night clothes. I also see a pair of brand new hiking boots so I put them on.
I scoot myself out of the tent and look around and don't see Edward.
I see my crutches leaning against the tree still so I scoot myself over to the tree. I knock them over. Ok now I need something to brace myself to stand up. Now I was closer to the jeep damn it.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now