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I didn't understand why this guy was being so rude, he should have more consideration for Bella. I grab my phone and called my mother. "Hey Edward what's up?" I need you to bring Alice over to Bella's and get my car there been an incident. Riley found Bella and attacked her. Her Uncle saved her but he died, can you please have dad meet us at the er Bella won't let no one touch her. She bout took out the ambulance guy." I turned and noticed he was going to reach for her arm and she was watching me, he had the blood pressure cuff. I turned and got Charlie attention just as we turned all he did was wrap his hand around her wrist and her hands balled up into a fist.

"Mom I got to go meet us at the hospital." I hung up the phone. Charlie and I try to get over to Bella but it was too late. She nailed him right in the face. "I'm done you can find someone else to take the bitch!" People were holding me and Charlie back from hurting him. "I do not know how you got to be a paramedic in my county but I will make damn sure you lose your licence for good. Go leave the keys will call someone else in."

Charlie yelled out. "Charlie, Edward something wrong with Bella." One of the Sheriff said. I turned and looked at her. "Shit, she went into a flashback Charlie help me out here, I need to get seated behind her. We need to get her to the hospital."

His buddies helped us out and got us on the ambulance. Charlie got into the driver seat. "I never seen Charlie move so fast as long as I worked for him, he really loves his daughter and he puts a lot of trust in you dude!" I looked at him and smile. "Bella focus on my voice I know it's hard but I know you can do it. Come back to me baby please."

I look down and Charlie jacket was starting to come open. I realized why Charlie put his jacket over her. That bastard ripped her shirt apart. Tears started to fall from my eyes when I look and saw what he done to her knee to. "Here buddy, I found this blanket you can cover her up with. You must love her!" I took the blanket from him and cover her with it.

"Thank you. Yeah I do with all my heart. We are engaged. I proposed to her when we took her Uncle out to Phoenix to see her. I wanted him to at least see his favorite niece get proposed to." The guy smiled "That's sweet man! I take it you guys haven't." I look at him confused but knew what he meant. "No, we want to wait, even though that stupid ass hole. But that doesn't matter to me she does. She my life." I told him.

"I'm so glad she has someone like you in her life!" We arrive at the hospital. Charlie opens up the doors up. "Where the guy that drives this?" The nurse asks. "Long story, but he will probably be showing up for x rays though Bella hit him." Charlie told them. "Bella were at the hospital my dad will take over soon. I love you always know that."

"What happen?" My father asked. "She was attacked by the Riley kid I guess he crushed her knee and leg when she tried to knee him to try and stop him from rapping her. My brother saved her as his last dying act!" My father looked up at Charlie and over at Bella. "Charlie I'm so sorry!" He told him. "Just help my daughter right now we'll deal with Mikey when we fix her."

They unbuckle us. They gently lifted Bella over to the bed. I climb off. I leaned over and kissed Bella on her forehead. "I love you Bella, I'm not leaving this hospital, unless I have to." I didn't want to leave her. "Son she will be alright. Go with Charlie, I will come out when I know more." Charlie puts his hand on my shoulder and we walk out. We sit down I drop my face in my hands, I let the tears fall. Charlie kept his hand on my shoulder.

"I should've taken the day off from school." I said. "Edward there was nothing you could of done, this is not your fault none of it is, it was Mikey time and he knew it. He saved her from being raped that's what matters the most. He was a hero!" I heard the tears start falling from Charlie now. "Oh Charlie!" I heard my mom and she sat down beside Charlie and wrapped her arms around him."

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now