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Ever since me and Edward talked and made up, I haven't hardly seen him or timber since. Between Alice dragging me with her and Esme talking about redesigning plans for the bedroom. I haven't really spent time with Edward. I been staying at home with Charlie which has been great.

Charlie had to call Edward a few times in the middle of the night, because of my nightmares. Lately my dreams are different. Edward and Seth been in them. Seth been in his human form trying to warn me. But I can't understand what he warning me about.

My dreams change, but always start out when I would wake up and walk out of the tent and I can't find Edward. I look everywhere but he gone. I would start to yell out his name and timbers. No one answers. Then someone grabs me from behind. But it always changes where I get grabbed or I see Riley. Then Seth appears in the distance yelling at me trying to tell me or warn me. I just keep waking up screaming. I haven't told Edward about the dream. I just don't want to ruin anything right now.

Today Alice and Esme are dragging me to the florist to pick out the flowers and they said they also had something to discuss with me.
My mom, phil and my baby brother is coming in on the plane. There going to stay at Edward's house. Tomorrow Rosalie and her family our coming. Emmet coming to he says he has a surprise for me. Emmet like a big brother to me.

Edward been working on the details of the honeymoon for our camping trip. Also Jasper and him been going up to where we are having the wedding at. Carlisle reserved campers that were self contained. They have generators he said and they also had to get more generators for some reason. The wedding only a week away and I can't believe I will be finally married to Edward. "BELLA HURRY UP AND GET DOWN HERE!" Alice yelled from downstairs. I get downstairs. "Alice when are you going to give me time to spend with my fiance?" I asked her. "Umm, lets see. When you see him for dinner tonight at my house." She said.

"I meant a whole day." I laughed. "Ohhh, your wedding day." She said. "Come on Alice let Bella and Edward have a day together. They haven't seen each other hardly since she got home." Esme told her.

"Alright tomorrow afternoon then after we go shopping." Alice said. My mouth dropped open when she said shopping. "Alice what do we have to go shopping for?" I asked her. Let's see a dress for rehearsal and dinner after. Of course a few other things. Edward gave me a list of things I have to get for you."

Alice said. I rolled my eyes. Later that night Charlie and I drove over to the Cullen's house for dinner. I would also see my mom, Phil, and Michael Allen. When I got there my mom ran over and hugged me. "I missed you Bella." She told me. "I missed you too. Now where is my baby brother?" I asked.

Phil walked over with Michael Allen in his arms. "Hi, Phil." I told him. He gently put Michael Allen in my arms. "Hey, you. I missed you. You grew since the last time I saw you." I told him. I was close to Michael Allen.
Not just because I delivered him, but because he and my mom is why I stood up and protected my family from Riley. He gave me a reason to fight.

I look up and see Edward leaning against the wall with his arms folded with a smile on his face I love so much. I gave mom Michael Allen back.
I walk up to Edward. "Well hi there stranger." Edward said. "I wouldn't be a stranger if your sister would give me a break." He stopped me. Edward wrapped his arms around me and started kissing me. Edward pulled away. "Hi, there!" I said with a smile on my face. "Alice is going to let us spend tomorrow together she tells me." Edward said. "Yeah, after she kidnaps me in the morning for one of her shopping trips." I told him. Edward starts laughing. "Let's say I kidnap you myself and we spend a day out of town." Edward said.

"Really, I would like that. I really miss you." I said. Later that night I gave everyone hugs and Charlie and I left for the night. I was laying in bed when my phone went off. I answered it.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now