the reception

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As we walk back down the aisle Edward took me over by the little bridge to start having pictures done. First it was just me and him on the bridge then it was everybody. "Alright Edward take Bella to the other spot for pictures." The photographer said.

I looked up at Edward. He grabbed my hand and just behind where we got married was a little swing. On the ropes it had flowers going all the way down. With the wood seat. "Edward you and your family really made this a special day to remember for me and you of course."

I sat on the swing looking at Edward as he was standing above me. I had a smile so big. He took his hand and cupped the side of my face.
I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand. I loved the way his touch felt. I was startled by the photographer. We took more pictures and some by Uncle Mikey pictures.

"Alright off you 2 go into the camper while we finish setting up the reception." Alice was being awful pushy but it also gave Edward and I some time to ourselves. Edward helped me into the camper. "I don't understand why we have to wait in here Edward?"

He looked at me and giggled. "It's a surprise love!" I smiled. "I think I had enough surprises all ready!" I pouted. "Bella, you have a few more surprises to go tonight." He grinned. "Edward Cullen, I know that look what are you up to?" He walked over to me. "Mrs. Cullen I am not saying then it wouldn't be a surprise." He leaned down and kissed me.

"Let me tell you, that you look very beautiful today Mrs. Cullen." I giggled. "Now that's going to take some getting use to."

"Which part?" He asked. "UMM, both." I giggled. Edward sat down and scooped me up and put me on his lap. I laid my head on his chest. "This I am use to but I missed it." Edward wrapped his arms around me. "I missed it too." He whispered in my ear. Since everything been going on we haven't had a moment to ourself.

We just sat there quiet for awhile. It was peaceful. I still feel bad for what happened to Edward house. "Bella what's up, I been noticing that something weighing on the back of your mind. Spit it out!" How does he always knows. "Your house, I still can't help but think it's my fault. If I just answer the phone."

Edward took his hand and tilted my chin up so I could look at him. "Bella none of this is your fault! Plus your suppose to be thinking of just us today. It's our day." I smiled. "You're right. It's our day." Just then the door opens. "Were ready for you." Alice said. I stand up and Edward walks out first then Edward helps me out of the camper.

I look and now there's a dance floor and tables going around it. There's flowers everywhere. Underneath the arch of flowers was the wedding cake. On the tables was floating candles. I walked out into the middle of the dance floor and looked at everything. Then I looked up at the sky. "I feel you here Uncle Mikey looking down on me in some ways like you always have been."

I hear music come on then I feel Edward wrap his arms around me. The song was I don't dance by Lee Brice.

I remember Edward singing it to me. I look into his eyes and the way he just was looking into my eyes, I could see the love in his. "You played this song unpurpose." I giggled. Edward didn't say a word. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I can't believe you guys did this all." He smiled his crooked smile.
"We wanted you to have a day you would remember and would be one of the happiest day." We danced until the song was over. We went and sat at our table, so we could start eating.

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