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                                 Bella pov

In a few days I was going to be leaving Forks. I haven't seen Edward expect for at school, but for some reason he has been distance from me.

 It's been killing me inside that he's being this way. Alice is on her way over to help me finish packing my stuff. As we are packing I couldn't help but to start crying, Alice puts her arm around me. "Bella, what's wrong, is it about you moving?"

I sit down on my bed. "Oh, Alice, you're my best friend. I don't want to leave you, but it's Edward he has been avoiding me for the last few days and it's killing me inside. I don't want to leave and this be the way our goodbye's is. I just can't do it. I love him so much, Alice."

I look down at the floor. "That stupid idiot brother of mine, needs to get his head out of his ass!" I looked up at Alice in shock.

"Did you really just swear, Alice?" I asked her. "Darn right I did. Come on!" She grabbed my hand and we went to downstairs. "Mikey can you take us to my house please, there something I need to do with Bella?" Mikey said sure.

I don't know what she was up to, but she was mad as hell, that was for sure. We got to her house she told me to sit on the couch and wait there. She asked Esme where Edward was she said his room.

The next thing I knew they were yelling at each other. Then I heard Edward ask Alice where I was. She told him here in the living room.

Then they really started to yell at each other. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out the door and just walked off into the woods there was a trail that goes to my house, so I decided to walk home.

I don't like anyone fighting over me. I knew Edward didn't want to see me. No matter how much it hurt me.

I had to stop because of the pain and I wrapped my arms around my stomach and started to cry. I finally just dropped to my knees.

It just hurt to much. I just wanted to at least have his love to hang on to when I left, now I don't even have that. I wanted a reason to come back.

All of sudden I felt arms wrap around me. "I'm so sorry, I have been an ass, and I shouldn't have been when you needed me the most. Please forgive me Bella!" I turned around and wrap my arms around Edward as tight as I could.

"I needed you and you weren't there. I thought you didn't want me anymore!"

"Bella Swan, I do want you. It's just killing me inside with you moving away and not going to be able to see you or hold you in my arms or even do this with you." He started to kiss me like he never had before. He put more passion into it. I wanted more of him but I knew I wasn't ready yet.

He pulled away and put his forehead against mine. "Wow!" Was all I could say and I smiled. He started to laugh. "I'm going to miss that the most Edward."

We sat there a while just holding each other. I didn't have that many more days until I was gone from Edward arms.

"Edward I don't know if I can do this, this is going to be so hard for me." He kissed the on top of my head.

"If it gets too bad just pick up that phone I don't care if it's in the middle of the night or even if you have to call me collect Bella, you just pick up that phone up no matter what, Promise me!"

I look into his bright green eyes. "I promise you Edward no matter what." I had made him that promise, but he had no idea how scared I would be to actually to be able to pick up that phone.

It was now the day before I have to move, Alice, my dad, uncle Mikey, Jasper, Edward, and Esme, Carlisle threw me a going away party. We all did not know if or I was ever was coming back.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now