THE FIRE AND MEETING JACOB and a little surprise

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                Bella pov

I pulled up to Seth's house and see that it is on fire. I get out of the car and see Rosalie and Emmett standing there with someone else standing next to them. I look around and see Riley, I shake my head. No it can't be not Seth. Riley seen me and puts a smile on his face.

"NO, NOT SETH." I drop to the ground screaming. Rosalie and Emmett come running over to me.

"Bella, what is it?" I look up at them. "Where is Seth?" They look at each other, Emmett walks over to the guy that was standing next to them. I grabbed my cellphone and called Seth phone. We didn't hear it.

I quickly dialed Edward number without thinking. "Bella, is that you?" I heard his voice. "Edward, he ..gone." It was all I could get out at that moment. I started to scream out for Seth and that this could not be happening to me. Rosalie grabbed my phone and told Edward what was going on.

Without thinking I got up and started to walk towards Seth house, I did not care it was on fire, I was going to get Seth out of that house. I heard Rosalie and Emmett yelling for me. But still kept going. I felt someone grab me from behind.

"LET ME GO, I NEED TO GET SETH OUT OF THERE, LET ME GO PLEASE!" The person wasn't letting me go.

"Stop, fighting me, He was my brother, you don't think I want to go in there and get him to, the fire is burning to fast."

I finally stop fighting him and just broke down. I watched the house burn down. The guy that held me back was Jacob. Rosalie talk to Edward a while I guess I freaked him out when he heard me screaming.

Emmett walk over to me and picked me up. I hug Emmett tight and I was still yelling for Seth. I looked back over to where Riley was and he was still grinning. How could he do this to me.

Jacob walked over to us and introduced himself to us. He was Seth older brother. Emmett,Rose, and Jacob all took me home and my mom was there and asked what happened. They told her I was to upset to say anything.

They all stayed for awhile, but I knew who did this to Seth. But I could not do anything about it. If I do Riley would hurt someone else and me.

They all had left and my mom said I don't have to go to school for a couple of days. I walked upstairs to my room and my mom was on the phone with someone.

I shut the door to my room behind me. I just walked over to the window and looked out nothing looked the same anymore, Riley was going to make my life a living hell for me. I fell to the floor crying I just curled up into a ball. I must of cried myself to sleep because I woke up on the floor, it was the middle of the night.

I heard a knock on my window and it was Riley I was shaking my head no. I open the window. "Your mom gone, I tried to knock on front door and call your phone but nothing, let me in."

I was shaking my head. Then anger fill me, I got up and walked over to him.

"YOU BASTARD HOW COULD YOU, HE WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO ME, AND YOU KILLED HIM, WHY?" He stood in front of me with no remorse or sorrow at all.

"I was punishing you for talking to him and you were too close to him and your mine and mine only."

He backed me up into the wall so I was trapped. My hands were balled up in a fist. "So you will take everything I care about away from me just to punish me or even get close to me." A grin went across his face.

I took my hand and smacked him across the face. "I'M NOT YOURS AND WILL NEVER BE YOURS. YOU CAN BEAT ME, RAPE ME, BUT YOU WILL NEVER EVEN OWN ME!"

I started to walk away from him and he grabbed my arm. "Look you bitch, if you ever say stuff like that to me again or hit me, I will punish you really good."

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