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As I laid with Bella in my arms, I thought about day and how someone could of almost taken her. I do not know what I would do if someone would of taken her.


I woke up and Edward and Timber wasn't in the tent. I got up and hobbled out of the tent.  Edward was finishing up putting everything up. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and sat down. Timber walked over and laid down next to me. I started to pet him.

"Hey there beautiful." Edward said to me before sitting down next to me. I elbow him and said "You still need glasses. I'm not beautiful." He started to laugh. "Bella you're always thinking and saying, you're not beautiful or pretty." I stopped him from talking. "That's because it's true Edward." I told him.

He takes my hand into his and kissed the back of my hand. "Bella, I wish you could see what I see. You are beautiful, inside and out." He said. I shake my head and just smiled. "I still think you need glasses." I said to him. He starts laughing. "What do you want to do today?" Edward asked me.

"I would really like to go to the falls today if that's ok." I told him.
"Well I was hoping you would want to do that today, you can try and put some weight on your knee, with your crutches." I went and got ready for the hike. I put on a pair of black pants, a t-shirt, and my hiking boots on.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my baseball cap and put it on.

I'm going to try and go without the knee brace today. It's been getting uncomfortable to wear. I hobbled out of the tent and Edward helps me with my backpack and put it on. Edward grabbed the bigger pack. "I thought maybe we would have a picnic while we are there."

I told him, it was very nice of him. We head off on our hike. We made half way so far and I told Edward I needed a break. So we sat down for a few moments. Edward picked up my leg and put it on his lap and started to massage my knee.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked me. "Yep, it's just hurts a little." I told him. We finally got up and started to go again. We finally made it. I just at aww, with how beautiful it is here. I remember when I was with Uncle Mikey telling us stories here, plus how Charlie and Uncle Mikey taught me to survive if anything happens.

Then Edward took me out of my thought. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. I nod my head yes. "Do you remember uncle Mikey use to tell us stories here?" I asked him. "Yeah I do and I also remember you my sister screaming when he added sound effect." Edward started to laugh.

"Yeah, but not so scary now." I laughed. "I remember someone getting caught in a homemade rope trap, That uncle Mikey made teaching us how to survive if something happens." I sightly elbow Edward laughing at the memory. "Hey I wouldn't of got trapped, if you didn't call me over, you guys planned it." He said.

"I know we wanted to see if it work. Still is funny seeing you hanging upside down." I laughed. "There's a lot of good memories here growing up and our family camping trips every summer." I told him. Edward reaches for my hand and I take it gladly. "There sure is." He said.

I still having a problem letting go. I didn't want to believe he was actually gone from my life, and his last good deed was saving me from Riley. "Edward do you think he going to stop?" I asked him. "Is who going to stop?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Riley." Telling him. Even now it is hard to say his name without being scared to death, of him.

"To be honest with you, I don't have the answer to that. We can hope he gets caught for what he done to you." Edward told me. But I noticed even he had a hard time with what Riley has done to me. I looked at the water for awhile and I said to myself that I was going into the water, I wanted to go swimming.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now