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"Why do you keep telling me I'm girlfriend when I'm not." I tell him. He puts his hand on my arm and starts squeezing. "You're darn lucky you're in front of all these people or I make you pay for what you just said." Riley says. He squeezes my arm tighter. Tears start falling because it was hurting. "Riley let go of me please you're hurting my arm." It just made him squeeze even harder.

I finally started to try and pry his hand off. "Riley you're hurting me, let go." I was fighting to get away from him. "Riley stop, you're really hurting me." He just stood there. "I got to go for now, so sorry no one is around you to help you." Is he seriously going to let go knowing I need help. "Riley no, don't." He let go of me and my knee gave out without the support of my cane or someone to help me.

I fell to the ground. I knew no one could get to me in time to catch me. I felt everyone's eyes on me. Edward was beside me now. "Are you alright Bella?" He asked me. "Just get me out of here please." I told Edward. He scooped me off the ground and carried me outside. Everyone was not far behind. "Bella I'm so sorry, he put the gun in my back, I had no choice." Emmett says.

"It's not your fault Emmett, you did the right thing." I told him.
"I guess I follow you guys to Rosalie house." Edward says. Edward carries me to the rental car. He sets me down in the passenger seat. He jumps in the driver seat and starts driving.

I can't believe Riley did this to me. Wait yes I can. He is a asshole that wants to ruin my life. "Hey does it hurt?" Edward asked. "Does What hurt?" I asked him because I was to lost in my thoughts. "Your arm." He says. "Yeah but not real bad." I told him. "I still want my Dad to check it, he did squeeze it a little to hard." He told me.

I just nod. When we got back Edward scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the house. "You guys are back early." Esme said. "Dad I need you to look at Bella arm please." Edward says as he sets me gently down on the couch. He sat down next to me.

They saw my arm. I looked at my arm and it was really bruised up. "What happen?" Carlisle asked in shock. "Riley is what happen. Bella and I were king and queen and were dancing and Riley put a gun in my back. I had no choice but to let him dance with her." Emmett said.

"Emmett don't blame yourself you did the right thing and ouch." I said as Carlisle pressed on my arm. "It should be fine it will be sore for a couple days." Carlisle said. "Can I have my cane a minute please." Emmett handed it to me.

"Mom and Esme can we talk in private please." I asked. We went into the kitchen. I sat up at the table. "I was wondering do you have a set of keys to the house yet, because I really don't think after what happen tonight, I'm not going to have a good night. I really don't want to wake you guys and I just need to get some time to myself tonight. Of course Edward would be there." I told them.

They looked at each other. My mom put her hand on my shoulder. "Were going there tomorrow afternoon to show Carlisle and figure out supplies anyways, so here there electricity and stuff on the owner just said we have to transfer everything over." I stood up. I hugged them both. "I'll get Emmett to put the inflatable bed and blankets and stuff in the car for you." I look at them. Thank you. "I love you both."

I walked out and ask Rosalie and Alice for their help. "Where are you going Bella?" Alice ask me. "I just need to get away just for tonight. After what happen, I just need Edward no one else. It's best this way. I know what's going to happen and I really don't want to wake no one up." I told them. "You don't have to do this Bella." Rosalie said. "YES, I DO!" I snapped at them. "Please let me do this, beside it's only one night." I grabbed everything to wash up over there and other things.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now