Imagine defying Loki (part 2)

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Imagine defying Loki (part 2)


Three days you had been left there, trapped, imprisoned on the throne, naked, some of your wounds still bleeding from where Loki had hurt you. You had dared to defy him, Loki, King of Midguard, and were made an example of. Used, abused, beaten and left for dead, all you could do was sit and watch, as no one dared to come and save you. In the dead of night as you sat there shivering, barely conscious, two creatures came and removed you from the throne, dragging you inside. You had no strength to fight them, so could only be dragged along, looking at the piles of dead bodies. Eventually, they threw you down onto the cold hard floor of a cell, but you'd long since passed out by then with exhaustion. When you woke, daylight was streaming in through the barred windows high up, your body aching, but your wounds healed. A ragged dress lay on the floor beside you, and you hastily dressed yourself, the clothes barely covering your chest and legs. Not long after, more creatures came in, and dragged you forcefully through the dungeons in Stark towers basement up higher and higher until blinking blindly out into the daylight. You gasped as you saw the burning wreck of New York around you from up on the roof as the alien creatures threw you to the floor, before locking the door behind them as they left. You pounded on the door and tried to open it but slumped down against it exhausted. You were cold, weak, broken, and had no idea when or if those creatures would ever come back at all. You bit back tears, wishing you could turn back time, to save your mum, to have ran away quicker so you never would have been caught to begin with, so you wouldn't have been used by him. There was nothing left for you, only pain and suffering and misery. You dragged yourself to your feet, letting the wind blow around you as you began to walk to the edge. You glanced down at the long drop below, and took a deep breath. "So Y/N, are you going to jump?", a cold voice whispered in your ear as a tear ran down your cheek. A familiar hand snaked it's way around your wrist, gripping you tightly as you tried to take a step forward. "Please, let me go", you pleaded, looking around into his emotionless eyes. Loki grinned, before letting go, allowing you to step back so you were now next to the sheer drop down. "I'll jump", you threatened, but Loki just chuckled. "Jump then. See what I care. You are just a pathetic mortal", he mocked, taking a step towards you, almost trying to encourage you to fall. "I will not submit to you. Ever! You have taken everything away from me, why should I listen to you anymore!", you screamed at him in anger. His eyes flickered green in hurt, before his jaw clenched and he started to advance towards you, his cloak billowing behind him. "I gave you the love of a god. I have saved you from your mortal wounds. I have clothed you. I have let you live. I have given you a purpose to exsist. To serve, to me", Loki snarled, his shoulders shaking in rage. With horror you found yourself trapped between the advancing god and the fall to your death, your tiptoes barely still on the roof. He stopped centimetres away from you, towering over you, almost blocking out the sun so all you could see where his menacing green eyes as they flickered blue, his expression set in stone. "Now Y/N. Submit. Kneel to your king, slave", he threatened. You gulped, your mind racing, filled in panic and fear. But then, your mind cleared, your breathing slowed, your body calm as you looked blankly into his eyes. "Never", you whispered, before you stepped backwards off the edge. "No!", Loki screamed, lunging forward towards you, managing to grab hold of your hand as you fell. Loki tightened his grip, holding onto you as you dangled over the edge off the building, the 500ft drop below. "Y/N. Love me", he pleaded, his green eyes welling in tears as he struggled to hold on, the weight of you beginning to pull him over the edge too. "No! I will never love you. You're a monster!", you screamed, trying to make him loosen his grip. "Please Y/N! I'm no monster, you must believe me! I never meant to kill those people!", Loki desperately pleaded to you, trying to pull you back up. "Liar!", you screamed at him, and began to prise his fingers off you. Loki tried with all his might to pull you back up, as you tried to make him let go, that you both didn't see the figure emerge behind Loki until it was too late. "He is right Y/N", the hollow voice said as the large, purple faced creature towered behind him. "Thanos", Loki whispered horrified, his eyes widening in fear. Thanos clamped his hand down on Loki's shoulder, and Loki let out a scream of pain, before his eyes turned a vivid blue, and remained still. "She is mortal and pathetic. Let her die", Thanos said coldly to Loki, before he vanished into thin air. Loki's cold blue eyes locked on yours. A tear rolled down his cheek, before he pulled you up with all of his strength and threw you off the building. You screamed as the wind rushed past your ears, falling, the sky disappearing above you, watching Loki snap out of his trance and scream your name as he reached feebly for you, before you crashed to the floor, and died.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant