Imagine Loki fighting you

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Imagine Loki fighting you

"Again Y/N, only this time actually try to hit me", Sif said helping to pick you up off the floor. You had been training all morning with Sif, trying to improve your fighting, but so far you had ended up flat on your back with Sif beating you. You grabbed your sword and swung it at her, trying to think ahead to what her next move would be. Again, Sif blocked every blow you threw at her, until she ended up locking your sword in hers, and pulled it out of your hand disarming you. She pointed her sword at you, smiling. "Game over", she said, advancing towards you. "Not yet", you muttered. You quickly ducked under the blade and charged straight into her, taking her off guard, pushing her to the floor. You grabbed hold of her sword as you fell down, before catapulting yourself over her, landing on the floor behind her, before swiftly pointing the sword down at her, brushing you hair out of your eyes. "Now it's game over", you said smiling, as Sif held her hands up in defeat. Someone clapping distracted your attention, and you looked up to see Loki, walking across the courtyard towards the both of you. "Very good miss. Impressive", he said coming over to you. You helped Sif up to her feet, and bowed towards the young prince. "Lady Sif, Odin has requested your presence immediately. He says it's urgent", he said to Sif, glancing a sly look at you. "Of course. I will go to him right away", she said, setting off in the direction Loki had come from. "You fight well, miss?", Loki asked coming closer to you, smiling. "Thank you sir. It's Y/N", you say nodding your head to him, trying to resist the urge to look smug. "Try and hit me", Loki said slyly, picking up a nearby sword, wielding it in his hand as if it were a wand. "I don't think I should do that sir", you say hesitantly, as you didn't want to accidentally hurt him. "Call me Loki, Y/N, and I order you to fight me", he said, a little aggressively, winking at you. You grip your sword tightly and clench your jaw, unsure if you should or not. Without warning, Loki lunged at you, causing you to swing your sword to block him. "Come on Y/N, I said fight me!", he shouts at you, playfully but firmly. You try slashing your sword down at him, but somehow he just disappears from right in front of you, and appears beside you, knocking your blow away easily. You try lunging at him as he laughs at you as you get frustrated. He again vanishes and ends up this time standing right next to you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up into the air so you were face to face with him. "Is that the best you can do?", he said cheekily, grinning at you. He winks at you, then quickly leans in and kisses you on the lips, completely taking you by surprise. He let's go of you and pulls away, grinning at you. "Come on, last chance Y/N", he says, throwing his sword aside and holding his arms out. You take a deep breath and charge at him, bringing your sword up to strike. He side steps, and sticks his foot out, causing you to trip. He grabs hold of your hand as you fall, pulling the sword from you and span you around so you landed on your back. He lands on top of you, pinning you down, pressing the blade of your sword against your neck, grinning at you as you tried to push him off. "I believe I win. Now time to claim my reward", he said slyly to you, looking down into your eyes smiling. He leant down and kissed you hard on the lips, as you stopped struggling. He looked down at you, and whispered into your ear, "Same time tomorrow. Don't be late".

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now