Imagine being kidnapped with Loki

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Imagine being kidnapped with Loki

"Let go of me!", you scream as the masked men dragged you down the corridor. You'd been walking with Loki when they had jumped you both. Whilst they distracted Loki who tried to protect you, they'd grabbed you and thrown you into their van. You didn't know where you were, but tried fighting against them, but they were too strong. They opened a door and threw you onto the floor of the room. You tried to get back up, but one of them brought their fist across your face, knocking you back down, clouding your vision. "Y/N!", you hear Loki scream. You look up to see him on the other side of the room, trapped in a cage, his face bloody and beaten. "Loki", you try to crawl over to him, but a hand grabs the back of your head, painfully pulling you upright, causing you to scream. "No! Let her go!", Loki screams shaking the cage, desperately trying to break free. The man holding you brings his face close to yours, and whispers menacingly into your ear, "Say goodbye sweetheart". He held up a needle in front of you, a horrible black liquid filled inside. You tried to fight back against him in terror whilst Loki's screamed filled your ears. The man plunged the needle into you arm, and you felt your body immediately start to burn as he threw you to the ground. "No! Y/N! No!", Loki screamed, banging against the cage with all his might. "Tell us your plans Loki, and she can live", the man said as you rolled around on the floor, thrashing around in agony. "There's no plans! There's nothing! Now stop it, let her go!", Loki shouted, his eyes filled with tears. "I don't believe you", the man said as he walked over to the door, and leaving. "No! Y/N! I love you! I'm so sorry! I love you!", Loki cries to you, trying to lean out threw the bars to touch you. The burning feeling consumes you as you try to crawl over to him, crying out in agony, your vision fading. "Loki, I love you", you manage to say, before collapsing only feet away from him. You could hear Loki screaming your name, desperately trying to touch you as you felt your heart burn out, and your eyes close to darkness.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now