Imagine Thor setting you up with Loki

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Imagine Thor setting you up with Loki

"Thor, I'm not going!", you say for the hundredth time hiding under the bed covers as he just stands in your chambers, his loud voice booming. "Come on Y/N, you will love it. I know how much you love to dance", he said. He'd been trying to persuade you for days to go to the Asgardian masquerade ball, but you hadn't felt in the mood for anything as your Midgardian boyfriend you'd brought to Asgard with you had cheated and left you for another woman. "Look Thor, what's the point in me going to a ball where I will have no one to dance with?", you sigh as you throw the covers off to look at him. You gasp at him as he's stood there, dressed in a sharp suit wearing a mask of what looks like a lion, holding out a beautiful green/gold snake textured dress in his hands out for you. "OMG Thor it's beautiful!", you squeal as you jump up and run to him, embracing him in a hug. About an hour later you strolled into the ball on Thor's arm, looking out from a half face mask made of green encrusted jewelled snakes in your dress. "Go to the centre of the floor and dance", he said to you, pushing you towards the large dance floor. "But Thor, I can't dance on my own", you try to say to him but he pushes you and you land on the dance floor. You look around at the couples dancing around you, a sea of masks, and feel slightly awkward being in the centre of the floor alone. You look up to the beautiful chandelier that hung above you, before you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You turn around to see a young gentleman, dressed in a smart black suit with glints of gold and green, wearing a golden black half mask with horns coming out of the top of it. "My fair Y/N, may I have the pleasure of your hand", the young man asked offering out his hand to you, smiling. He took your hand, and kissed it tenderly, bowing to you, causing you to blush. He smiled at you, and you couldn't help but find yourself becoming lost in his beautiful deep green eyes that stared at you. He pulled you close to him, placing his arm around you as you both gently swayed to the music. As the evening progressed, you grew closer towards each other, laughing and joking, dancing and swaying to the music. The evening was nearly at an end, and you two were the only ones left on the dance floor. "Y/N, thank you for a wonderful evening. You are quite a dancer", he said as you rested your head onto his chest, just swaying to the music. "Thank you, but I forgot to ask, how do you know me?", you ask looking up at him. "Someone told me you were looking for the right man. A pretty young woman such as yourself should always have someone to love them", he said softly smiling at you, his eyes looking deep into yours from behind his mask. You felt him pull you closer to him, as he leant down to you and kissed your lips tenderly, gently pulling off your mask so he could see you. "Someone as beautiful and pure as you deserved the love of Prince Charming, don't you think?", he said as he pulled off his mask. You gasp as you realise who it was, Loki, the young prince himself. "But- what- how?", you stutter in surprise, causing Loki to chuckle. "My brother told me what happened, and how could I refuse to help someone as beautiful and perfect as you. So, here I am, with you. And I must say, I have rather enjoyed our date", he chuckled as he stroked your cheek, causing your heart to flutter in your chest. "Yes, a secret one of course, otherwise I knew you never would have said yes", he chuckled. "But, I don't know what to say", you begin to say in shock, but he simply lifts rests a finger in your lips. "Shhh, save that pretty voice from escaping your lips", he whispered as he leant down to you and kissed you again, letting his hand slide down your back, his fingers stroking your spine. "Y/N, I would very much like to see you again, soon. I think you have captured my heart in your lips", he muttered to you. He smiled at you, and pulled away, leading you by the arm away to your chambers, kissing your hand goodnight as he left you. You closed your door and collapsed onto your bed, your stomach full of butterflies, you had found your prince.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now