Imagine Loki catching you with Thor

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Imagine Loki catching you with Thor

"Lady Y/N, what is troubling you? This evening you have been distracted", Thor asked you gently, snapping you out of your little daydream. It had been a whole month since you had last seen Loki after he took off one night out of the blue, and you missed him. Loki had been staying with you after he was banished to Midgard for his crimes he'd committed against New York, but you didn't care because you loved him. Thor had been coming to visit you every day to check on you because you'd sank back into depression, so he thought taking you out for a meal might help. You didn't think anything of it, so slipped on your favourite dressed and let him escort you to the local resturant. You'd giggled to yourself as Thor helped you to sit down, as he kept messing around with the bow tie of his suit that you'd insisted he wore to blend in. But though out the meal, whenever Thor was talking to you, all you thought about was Loki. "Y/N, did you hear me?", he asked, placing his hand on top of yours and gently squeezing it. "What, no sorry. I was miles away", you say a little flustered, looking back at him. "Well I was just saying that you look beautiful tonight", he said smiling, still holding your hand. "Thank you Thor", you say, looking back down at your empty plate. "I know you miss Loki as much as I, Lady Y/N, but you must not loose hope. He will come back soon enough", he said gently, lifting up your chin so you looked into his blue eyes. "I know Thor, it's just I miss him so much. I mean I hate him for just leaving me without even saying goodbye, and no messages or anything to tell me that he's okay." You could feel yourself getting worked up, and bit your lip, stopping yourself before saying something you'd regret. "Y/N, please don't get upset. You know I don't like it when you cry", he said gently, putting his hand on your cheek, wiping the single tear away. "I know I'm sorry Thor, I just ...", you tailed off, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. Thor gently stroked your cheek, before leaning into you and gently placing a kiss on your lips. You immediately pulled away from him, slightly shocked. "Thor, what are you doing?", you hissed at him surprised. "I'm kissing you", he says gently, letting his hand slip down to your neck. "But why, you know I love Loki", you say back in a deadly whisper. "I know", he whispered, before pulling you in closer and kissing your lips again. You wanted to push him away so much, but his kiss reminded you so much of Loki, and you let your lips linger on his for too long. A glass smashing brought you back and you pulled away, looking in the direction of the noise. Your heart stopped and you gasped, it was Loki. He was stood there in the restaurant looking at you, a look of horror and disgust on his face, dressed in his suit, the smashed glass at his feet. His jaw clenched, and his eyes flaring with anger, and he turned on his heel and headed for the exit. "No, Loki wait!", you cry, getting up and rushing after him. He stormed out of the door, straight into the rain, as you ran behind him to catch him, Thor following you. "Loki please!", you cry to him. "No! I trusted you Y/N. I loved you!", he spat at you, turning around his nostrils flaring. "Loki, please it's not hot it looks". "Oh really, the fact that you've been with my brother for my absence and that I see you ripping off his face! I thought you loved me!", he shouted at you, causing you to flinch, his eyes welling in tears. "Brother please, let me explain", Thor says, coming between the two of you. Loki's eyes rage, and he lashes out at Thor, punching him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Loki then turns to you and grabs you around the throat, pulling you close to him so your noses touch as he chokes you. "Please, Loki", you beg him. "Why should I! I trusted you Y/N. I loved you", he whispered deadly to you. "She is right brother!", Thor shouts, getting up to his feet. "It was me who did this. I have wronged you and for that I am truly sorry", he said, walking over and stopping in front of you both. Loki's eyes flicker in pain and his grip on you loosens. "Is this true?", he asks, barely a whisper looking at you. You nod your head, throwing a glare at Thor for ever letting this happen. "Oh Y/N. I am so so sorry. Please, please forgive me", Loki broke down, letting go of you and pulling you into a tight hug, burying his face into your neck. "You did this!", he suddenly said enraged, turning to look at Thor, pulling his dagger out of his pocket. Thor immediately called his hammer to him, and nodded his head. "How dare you try to claim my wife!", Loki shouted as he swung at Thor with his dagger. Thor immediately swung his hammer, hitting Loki's hand away with such force that the dagger flew out of his hand, landing straight into your stomach. You cry out in pain as it goes into you, collapsing to the floor. "NO!", Loki's screams in horror, dropping to the floor beside you, clutching you in his arms. "Y/N! No, oh no please! Please, no!", Loki cries, desperately trying to heal you, his tears mixing with the rain as it falls down onto your face. Thor stands there in shock, dropping his hammer to the ground. Loki holds you tight in his arms, kissing you all over. "Y/N, I am so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. I love you", Loki whispered as your breath came in short gasps. "Loki, I lo-", was all you could manage before your heart stopped, and your body fell limp in his arms. Loki screamed you name up to the sky as by now everyone in the restaurant stood in shock looking on as you lay there dead in Loki's arms, as he rocked back and forth, kissing your head, whispering I love you, refusing to ever let you go.

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