Imagine Loki having to rescue you (part 2)

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Imagine Loki having to rescue you (part 2)

Loki cradled you in his arms as you flew with him on top of the flying bird. It landed in a grassy field just outside of Asgard borders just as the sun was setting. Loki helped you down, before sending the bird flying back off. You attempted to walk but gasped out in pain and collapsed onto the ground. "Y/N, are you alright? What't wrong?", Loki said his eyes concerned, dropping down to your side. "It's my leg. I can't stand, that beast bit me". Loki immediately looked down at your leg, his eyes wide in horror. Your leg was covered in blood. Loki tried to use his magic to heal the wound, but it keep on bleeding. "I don't understand", he cried, "Why can't I heal you". He tried calling out for help but no one was around. "Loki, i'm sorry. Their teeth were poison tipped", you manage to say. Loki holds you close, tearing forming in his eyes. "What are you saying?", his voice breaking. "You can't save me, i'm dying", you whisper to him, dark spots already forming in you eyes. "No! No, I'm not losing you again Y/N!", he cries, kissing you frantically. "I'm sorry Loki", you manage to whisper, as you can no longer feel your body. "I love you", you whisper as you look into his tear stricken eyes, reaching out your hand, cupping his cheek. "I love you too Y/N", he whispers, before kissing you on the lips. You feel his kiss as your eyes close for the last time, and feel him pull away, shaking your body screaming your name "Y/N! Y/N! No! I love you! Don't leave me!". You want to say something, but you feel yourself falling, his voice disappearing into nothing as you die in his arms. 


Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now