Imagine following Loki

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Imagine following Loki

"I need you to follow my son. He has grown distracted of late Y/N, and I trust you can find out what is troubling him", Odin said to you from on top of his throne. Naturally you'd grown concerned for Loki, as he no longer wanted to hang out with you or Sif or Thor. He just wanted to be by himself. "I will try my best Allfather", you said, before turning and leaving the throne room. You knew exactly what to do, so just had to wait for Loki to leave his room. Night fell, and pulling your cloak around you, slipped out of your chambers and made your way through the corridors down to where Loki's chambers where. Staying hidden in the shadows behind a pillar, you watched as his door opened and a figure cautiously stepped out, glancing around before quickly walking off down the corridoor. Keeping as silent as you could, you followed them, keeping to the shadows. Eventually, they turned and walked out across through the gardens, heading towards the forest. You tried to keep up with them but they were now running, and before you even had a chance to catch up, they'd vanished. "Great", you mutter, looking around frantically trying to see where they had gone. Your eyes caught a glimpse of something green quickly rushing past up ahead, and you immediately set off running after it. You thought you were getting close, until you felt something grab your cloak from behind. You screamed out in fright as it pulled you backwards, causing you to fall onto your back. They jumped on top of you, their dagger pressed at your throat. "Who are you, and why are you following me?", they growled angrily, grabbing hold of your cloak hood and pulling it up, revealing you. You stared into is eyes, fear in yours, not daring to move or speak. "Y/N? I don't understand, you were following me?", Loki said surprised, immediately climbing off you, taking away his dagger. "Yes Loki. I'm sorry", you mutter, getting up, watching as the young prince stood there watching you. "Odin put you up to this didn't he", Loki said seriously, his jaw clenched. You don't reply, but your silence have you away, and Loki sighed in frustration. "I wish he would leave me alone. He doesn't understand, I'm nothing like Thor. I don't crave attention unlike him. I'd much rather be alone", he said, turning and walking off again through the trees. "Loki wait!", you shout after him, following. He doesn't run, but walks purposefully through the sense trees, knowing the way as you followed behind, stumbling over the uneven ground. Eventually, the trees open up, revealing a vast expanding lake, a fallen hollowed out tree lying on it's side beside the water. Loki flicks his wrist and a small set of logs in front of the tree immediately light on fire as he sits down inside the tree, on top of various cushions and pillows. "And yet still you follow me even though I could have killed you", he muttered as you approached, his eyes glaring at you as he twiddles a stick in his hands before tossing it onto the small fire. "Please Loki. Don't shut me out. Let me help you", you say gently, sitting down next to him. Loki sighed, looking away, out across the vast lake. "I am not myself Y/N. It is best that you leave me". "No. We all care about you Loki, I care about you. Please", you say gently, resting you hand lightly on his arm. He looked down at your hand, and then into your eyes, the deep pool of green glistening. "I am suppose to choose a wife Y/N. That is why Odin won't leave me alone. I have to choose someone. But no one will have me, not when they can have Thor. I am no match for him", he said sadly, his eyes dropping. "Why don't you tell him. And besides, not everyone likes Thor", you say to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. "You don't? How so?", he asked immediately looking up, his face lighting up. "Well, he is very loud and boastful, and rude, and he is always going around breaking everything. I'd much rather spend time with you Loki. I like reading and you teaching me magic", you say to him, then grin growing on his face. "Oh Y/N, you are a true friend. And a beautiful one at that", he said, his silky voice as calm as the water. You smiled at him, feeling your cheeks blush. "Thank you Loki", you said to him as his hand slipped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Shh. You talk to much", he chuckled, his finger resting on your lips. You smiled at him, and he softly kissed you on your forehead, causing you to blush even more. "There is more than that stuck on my mind. It is also you. You have infected my mind, and I love you Y/N", Loki said. You didn't know what to say, but you didn't have chance to, before Loki's lips tenderly pressed against yours, his hand pressed against your cheek. Your eyes closed as you gently fell back against the cushions inside the tree trunk, Loki lying next to you. "Shh darling. Sleep. There will be time for you to follow me when the sun rises. The water will be quite warm enough for us to swim, and you won't need those garments", he chuckled as he stroked your cheek. You both lay there, arms wrapped around each other, your head resting on his chest as he softly kissed your head, your eyes closing, both falling to sleep as the embers of the fire died, sleeping under the stars.

Imagines : LOKI #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now