Pain, and B.I.N.G.O Chapter 60

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My whole body hurts. I open my eyes. I groan and my door flings open. Everyone looks at me worriedly. 

I cry a little as I try to move my arm. Pain floods through it. " Hey, hey. I know it hurts sweetie. It's going to hurt for a little while. Carlisle's grabbing you some medicine. " Esme rubs my hand gently. 

Carlisle walks in with the medicine. He attaches something to my arm. 

Alice smiles a little at me. I sigh as the medicine kicks in. I close my eyes and fall asleep. 


" B.I.N.G.O! B.I.N.G.O! And bingo was his name oh! " I sing happily. I hopped up on pain meds right now and I feel great. 

" I think you gave her a little too much. " Rosalie looks at me with laughter in her eyes. 

" I think he gave me just enough. " I say smiling. " Can you hand me that doll? " I point to a doll on my desk. " Yeah, that one. " 

Rosalie hands me the brown haired doll. The whole family's in my room right now. Carter tries to cover a laugh with a cough. 

I stroke the dolls hair and smile. " I think she's pretty. " I don't pay attention to the others while I start humming to myself. " Welcome to my house. Baby take control now. We can't even slow down. We don't have to go out. Welcome to my house. Play that music too loud. Show me what you do now. We don't have to go out. Welcome to my house. Welcome to my house. " I dance a little. 

" Yeah, she's a little, uh, high. " Carter chuckles. " She never sings. " 

" She has a pretty good voice. " Nessie smiles. 

" She's in the room with you. " I comment as I look up at everyone. " Hey, uh, take the doll. " I hand it to Esme. " She won't stop staring at me. It's creepy. " I whisper loudly, looking up at Esme. 

Esme sighs and takes the doll away. 

" The trees are moving. " I look out the window. " Has that always happened? Moving trees? Maybe I can hitch a ride to London some day. See Big Ben. Kiss some English guys. " I sigh. " Sounds like a good life. " 

" Maybe you should go back to sleep honey. " Carlisle says softly. 

" But, I wanna stay up. " I pout like a little kid. " I feel...happy. " I nod. 

" It's because your hopped up on drugs. " Emmett pats my foot. " You'll feel good now, but later, you're gonna crash. " 

" I am not hopped up on drugs. " I fold my arms and shake my head. I get a head rush. 

" Really? You're not hopped up on drugs? " Emmett says in disbelieving voice. 

I stick my tongue out at him. " Oh hush. " I sit up and push my blankets aside. " I wanna go out. I think we should throw a party. Maybe invite a few of the Doggo's. I'm missing Leah. And Sam still owes me money. " I stand up and walk around the bed. " I want to paint my room,! Not a soft pint, a neon, eye popping pink. " 

" Should we just let her wear herself out? " Jasper asks whispering to Carlisle and Esme. 

Carlisle nods. " I guess. She'll fall asleep soon. " 

" And I want to put some posters up here. Maybe of America's cutest guys. Hmm Jayden Sparks, Leo Halls. " I mumble a few other names. " Wait! I wanna bake a cake! " I run through the hall to the stairs. Arms grab my waist as I trip on the steps. 

" Hey! Slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself. " Edward warns. 

I shrug and run around the living room collecting items. " Man! It's like having a two year old here. " Alice chuckles. 

All of a sudden, I feel super sleepy. I pass out on the couch. 

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long. I hope you all have had a great summer. Who's ready for school? Definitely not me. Thank you guys for being so patient with me. 

- N

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