Don't come near me! Chapter 28

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" Oh. Hello Madison. " My mother says stroking my cheek. I pull away, and try to hit her. I look down and see I'm tied to a chair covered in blood. " Esme and Carlisle don't really love you. Do you really believe they want you? " 

I try to speak, but my voice come's out as strained cries. 

" They are using you. Your the Cullen's next meal. They want you for your blood. Nothing else. " She sits down in a chair across from me. " They really hate you. Their just waiting for the right moment to drink your blood. The perfect time. " She chuckles. 

" You'll never belong anywhere. You will never be loved. " She pulls up a screen and all of the Cullen's are sitting at a round table. 

" I hate Madison. She's worthless. A waste of space. I say we kill her now. " Says Jasper, his sharp teeth shining in the light. 

" I agree. She's just a mistake. Nothing. A nobody. " Alice says agreeing with her boyfriend. 

" No one will ever love her. No one will ever want her. She's an unwanted child. Hated by everyone. " Carlisle says smiling evilly at me.  

Their words hit me like a knife. The words stabbed me in the gut. I tried to yell. Nothing came out. 

 " She's a terrible child. A lazy, dumb child with no gifts. She can't do anything. She was dumb enough to fall for our trick. " Esme laughed. " She really thought we loved her! Dumb child. She was desperate for love. " 

 Her words tore at me. My heart is breaking. How could she say that about me. I thought she loved me.

  " Let's kill her. I'm tired of looking at her. " Rosalie says rolling her eyes at me. " She's just a desperate child. Let's not waste our time on her. "  

I feel tears coming down my face. 

 " She's so annoying! And super clingy! At school, she won't leave us alone. She's always following one of us, of sitting by us. " Emmett shakes his head in disgust and crosses his arms.  

Piece by piece, my heart is breaking.  

" There's no need for her anymore. Drink her blood. " Bella says looking ready to pounce on me.  

" Mom. I'm hungry! " Renesmee says to Bella.  

" Don't worry. Were about to eat. " Bella walks toward me, but Edward pulls her back. He looks like there is some force holding him back.  

" She suck- No! No! " Edward looks like he's fighting himself. Part of him wants to say something bad, but the other half wants to protect me. " She helped us. Madison kept our house more peaceful. She helped us. " He yelled. 

Every Cullen turned to look at him. He yelped in pain.  

" No. She made things worse! She disrupted everything. " Esme says getting up and walking towards Edward.  

" She dies now. " Carlisle says walking toward me. 

 " No! Carlisle! What are you doing?! This isn't like you! Yo- " Edward was interrupted, when Emmett tore off his head. 

 I screamed and cried. I felt a sharp pain different spots

Esme was biting my neck, Carlisle bit my wrist, and others bit me in different places. I felt my face pale. 

They were draining my blood. Killing me. I let out one last scream, and my vision went dark. 


I wake up and suddenly feel claustrophobic. My breath quickens. The room's dark with the window's closed and the lights off. No one's in here with me. I look around and get up. I'm hyperventilating. I had another scary dream.

They hate me. I cause so much trouble for the Cullen's. I'm a waste of space and time. I'm worthless. 

A door closes, and I hear voices. The Cullen voice's. They laugh and mess around. I move towards the window. 

I need to get out. I need to leave.

One of the Cullen's says something. I can't understand.

I'm dizzy, scared, and afraid. 

The Cullen's run into the room. I scream. It's too dark in here. I can barely see. 

Carlisle walks towards me slowly and I scream. 

"Madison. Calm down. Please calm down. " Carlisle says calmly. 

" No. No! " I say taking a step back and holding my hands in front of me. " D-don't c-come n-near me! " Hurt crosses Carlisle's face. He stops for a moment. 

" Did you have another dream Madison? " Rosalie asks trying to step towards me. I walk backwards

" S-stop c-com-ming t-towards me! Leave me a-alone. P-please! " I say some tears coming out of my eyes. 

Everyone has confused looks on. 

" Honey, we just want to help you. Tell us what happened. " Esme says in a calm voice. 

I look away. 

" Calm down Madison. Your emotions are going crazy. No one's going to hurt you. " Jasper tries to reach for my hand, but I move back even farther. 

 have a quick flashback about my dream, and I cry harder. The tears block my vision. 

" S-stay a-away f-from me! Don't get n-near m-me. D-don't d-drink m-my b-blood. Please! " Confusion crosses the Cullen's face, along with hurt. 

" We would never hurt you Madison. What gave you the idea we would drink your blood? WE love you. " Emmett says pulling a worried Rosalie towards him. 

 " Y-you hurt  E-edward! Y-you t-tore h-his h-head off! You k-killed him. Then y-you all d-drank m-my blood! " I yell. 

I trip over a cord, and fall backwards. I grab the thing closest to me, which happened to be the window curtain. 

The curtain fell with me, and the sunlight shone through the window. It hit the Cullen's and they started to shine. Their skin glowed. It looked like thousands of diamonds were on their skin. 

My eye's widen, and my head hits the window. 

Everything goes black.

I'm stuck in a house full of Vampires. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now