They are driving me crazy Chapter 44

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It's been three days, since I found out people want to kill me. 

They. Are. Driving. Me. CRAZY!!!!!

Everywhere I go, I have someone with me. School. Home. Outside. 

Some good news is, that the shape shifters have been coming around a lot. I get to bug them and hang out with Leah. 

Right now, I'm in my room, trying to ignore Emmett. 

" Maddie. "

I pretend I can't hear him, and turn my book page.

" Maddie. "

I lean back on my bed. 

Emmett sighs. " MADDIE!! "

" WHAT EMMETT! " I yell back, not looking away from my book. 

" I'm bored. "

I roll my eyes and look up. I put on a fake smile. " I'm so sorry Mr. Cullen. Entertain yourself. " 

" What do you do up here all day? "

I guesture to the book shelf. " Read. I find it very entertaining. "

He scrunches up his face. " Ugh. " 


" Madison! Hurry up! " Edward yells up the stairs. 

" Coming! " I run down the stairs and out the door. 

Monday. I had such a long weekend. I hop in the car, and we're off to school. 

I run out of the car and into school. I'm so sick of them. 

I rush into my class and sit down. " Help me. Please. " 

Carter looks up from his notes. " What? " 

" My family. They're driving me crazy. They won't leave me alone. The only place I can be alone, is in the bathroom. But that's only for a few minutes. " I sigh and Carter laughs. 

" Boy am I glad, I don't live with a house of Vamps. I only have a wolf staring at me all day and night. " 

Emmett sits down next to me. " Hello Carter. "

I groan and put my head in my hands. " There's one of them. " 

Emmett laughs and Carter smiles. 

" This is not funny Embear. You try having a buddy 24/7. " 

Emmett frowns at the name. 

Carter laughs. " Embear? Very manly. "

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now