We want to adopt Maddie. Chapter 13

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Pic of Calvin Jones.

I've been staying here at the Cullen's house all weekend. Now that it's Monday, they have to take me to see my social worker. Calvin Jones. I will no doubt, be sent back to the home, and will never see my high school again. I hate changing schools. I told everyone what happened to me. I have no idea what happened to Valarie, or Justin. And I have no clue what the heck that thing that attacked them was. Carlisle and Esme are heading out with me in an hour to see Calvin. I have an hour to hang out with these guys, and then, I will probably never see them again. That hurts. I'm going to miss this family. Even the guys. 

We play games until it's time for me to leave. " Bye guys. I'll miss you." I say hugging everyone.

" Bye. " Everyone said, probably thinking the same as me. We are never going to see each other again. I'll miss them. All of the Cullen's.

I jump into the car Carlisle is driving and head to the meeting spot where were going to see Cal. 

Two hours, and a ton of jokes and laughter later, we're finally at the restaurant. A waiter leads us to the back of the restaurant. 

" Can I start you guys off with anything to drink? " The waiter, Rob, asked us.

" Yes. I would  like a water. Esme?" 

" A water too sir. Maddie? " 

" Um. A lemonade. Please. Thank you. " I say folding up the drink menu.

" I'll be back in a minute with your drinks. " The waiter left the table and someone entered the restaurant. 

" Maddie! " A familiar voice said coming towards our table. I look up and see Calvin. 

" Cal. " I say frowning a little.

" I was expecting a little more enthusiasm Maddie. " Said Cal

" And I was expecting to get adopted by the time I was 10. Some time our expectations don't get met. " I stand up and hug the tall man. 

" I missed you squirt. " Cal said messing with my hair. 

I touched my hair. " Hey! Watch the hair. It took Alice a long time to get my hair too look this perfect. " Cal laughs and sits down. He looks at Esme and Carlisle. " I am so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. I'm Calvin. Calvin Jones. " He holds out his hand to Carlisle and then Esme.

" Carlisle. Carlisle Cullen. And this is my wife Esme Cullen. " The waiter returns and hands us our drinks and then turns to Cal. " What would you like sir? " 

" A Sprite please. " The waiter nods and walks off. 

" Now. What we're here to discuss about. " Cal said. 

Carlisle and Esme told Calvin everything that happened. Calvin just patiently listened. 

A half hour later, they finished telling Cal everything. 

" I'm so sorry about what you've been through Mads. I really am. " Cal hugged me. Esme and Carlisle looked at each other and nodded. 

Carlisle cleared his throat and Cal and I looked up at him. " Esme and I would like to adopt Madison. " My jaw dropped. They want to adopt me? What? Wow! 

" I will get the papers for you. I'm so glad Madison will be getting a good home. She deserves it. " Cal says looking at me. He's is like my big brother.

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