You. Talked. About. Books! Chapter 21

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Rose, Alice, Bella, and Nessie are all out shopping. Carlisle says, I have to stay home, because I have had enough excitement for one day. My ribs are still healing. I was relived at first, I didn't have to go shopping, but now I'm wishing I could go. Jasper, Emmett, and Edward keep teasing me about Carter. 

" So, Maddie, have you talked to your ' Boyfriend ' lately? When's your next date? " Emmett asked sitting down on the living room couch next to me. 

" He's not my boyfriend! He's my-" I got cut off by Edward. 

" We know, we know. He's just your ' tutor'. We totally believe you. " I sigh. These birdbrains, just can't understand. 

" You didn't answer my question Madison. Have you talked to Carter? " 

" I'm not answering you. " 

" You have too. "

" I don't have too. " 

" I'll find out. Somehow. "

I slap myself on my face. The boys laugh a little. " I think we should go meet our new little sister's boyfriend. " Says Jasper. " Introduce ourselves properly. "

" No! You are not going to meet him until I decide you can. You will scare him away with your weirdness. He is not my boyfriend. Why do you guys keep insisting we're dating? "

" Because your a girl who's hanging out with him. A boy. " says Emmett in a ' Duh ' voice.

" Just because he's a boy and I'm a girl, and tutors me, doesn't mean we're dating. Guys and girls hang out together all the time. "

" Most of the time they're dating or used to date. " I glare at Edward. 

" I hate you boys. You suck. " I say standing up.

" We love you too Maddie! " yells Jasper smiling. I stick my tongue out at them and leave, walking into the kitchen. Boy. You get tutored by a boy, and suddenly your dating him. 

" Mam- Esme. " I catch myself before saying Mama. I hope she didn't hear me. " The boys are being airheads. " I whine leaning on the wall watching Esme bake. 

" What are they doing? " 

" They're teasing me about having a boy tutoring me. They keep saying he's my boyfriend. They are so annoying! I swear. They are going be the death of me.  Don't they have anything better to do? " I ask 

" I'm sorry dear. I think they're bored. "

" Well they could do something productive until the girls come back. Like shower. That way I don't have to smell that horrible cologne they wear. "

" Hey! This cologne is new! Girls are supposed to love it. " One of the boys yells from the living room. I roll my eyes and walk out. 

" Girls are supposed to love that cologne? Are you sure, girls aren't supposed to Throw up because of how strong that horrible smell is? Ugh. " 

"  So what were you doing in the kitchen? Contacting your boy toy? Planing your next date? " Emmett  asks

" He's not my boy toy! Gosh! You guys are so.. so.. -" 

" So what Maddie? Awesome? Brilliant? Handsome? " asks Jasper 

I scoff. " You wish. You guys are so annoying! "

" Boys? Stop messing with Madison. Leave her alone. "  Esme calls from the kitchen.

I turn and stomp upstairs. The boys laugh behind me. Yeah. Laugh your dumb heads off. I'll get you back! I get in my room and slam the door. Not too hard, but hard enough for those boys to hear. I pull out my phone and call Carter. 

( C - Carter M - Maddie )

C- Hello? 

M- Do you know the easiest way to kill three boys? Preferably without having to end up in jail. 

C- Slip poison in their drinks. Why do you need to kill three boys? 

M- My dumb foster brothers keep teasing me. They make me so mad! I just feel like ripping their heads off!

C- That would be pretty messy. I think you should stick with the poison. 

M- Your right. Where can I buy the poison?

C- I don't know. I've never killed anyone before.

M- What are you doing right now?

C- Talking to you.

M- What were you doing before I called you?

C- I was reading a book. 

M- Really?

C- Yeah. 

M- Why would you do something like that? 

C- Because I can escape from reality when I read.

M- Maybe I should try that. 

C- I can recommend a few books I like if you want to try them out.

M- Sure. 

We talked for a little while longer until someone burst into my room. 

" Try these on! I want to see if I got the right size. " Alice says shoving an armful of cloths in my face. 

" I'm sorry Carter. I have to go. See you tomorrow. " I hang up and Alice squeals. 

" You talked to Carter! What about? Details please! " She sits on my bed forgetting about the clothes. 

" We talked about books. " Her face drops

" You. Talked. About. Books! "

" Yeah, it was actually really interesting t- " I was cut off.

" No! Who cares about books! You should ask him what his favorite color is. That way you can wear that color on your next date! " They just don't understand.

" I'm going down stairs. "

" But the cloth- " 

" I'll try them on later. "

" Promise? "

" Promise. " 

I left the room. Is there no where I can go to be alone?

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now