We saw him. Chapter 20

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Monday's finally here. 

" Hey Madison. " Carter says as I sit down. 

" Hi. "

" So. We still on for tutoring today? "

" Yup. Here. " I say handing Carter my small phone. " Type in your number please. " He takes out his and hands it to me. 

" You too. " 

School goes by quickly, and soon it's tutoring time.

" Are you sure you don't need us to stay? " Emmett asked for what seemed like the thousandth time. 

" Yes! Now go.  "  I say trying to push the giant teenager towards his car. 

" What if he tries to shoot you? Huh? Wouldn't you like us to be there to stop him? "

" I highly doubt Carter smuggled a GUN into school to shoot me. " 

" You never know. " 

" Good bye Embear. " I say waving him away with my hand. " Come pick me up in an hour. " I turn to the others. " Bye guys. " 

I walk inside and go into the cafeteria. Carter is sitting at a table in the back of the room. 

" Sorry I'm late. My annoying adoptive brothers and sisters kept me late. " Carter nodded

" It's fine. " 

" Can I ask you a question? " 

" You just did. " 

" Okay. Can I ask you a different question? "

" You just did. " Carter said smiling

I blush " Okay. I'm just going to ask you. Why do you always sit in the back of rooms? "

Carter shrugs. " I don't know. You don't really get called on or bothered in the back of rooms, so I'm out of the way in the back. " I nod.

" Okay. On to tutoring. " 

We spent the hour trying to get me to understand math. Carter used things I like to explain certain math concepts. I learned a lot more about Carter. His parents have been divorced since he was twelve. His brother hates him. His mom ignores him all the time. I feel bad for Carter.  Carter's phone rang and a young female's face appeared on the screen. 

" Sorry. My babysitter Jessica. " He blushed as he said babysitter. " My mom doesn't trust me not to burn the house down when she's not home.  I have to answer. "

" Carter? Lets go. I'm outside. " Jessica hangs up. Carter starts to put his stuff away. 

" She seems friendly. " 

Carter laughs. " Yup. She's an angel. " He shakes his head. " I hate her. She is such a whiner. Nothing's ever good enough for her. Well I gotta go before she decides to leave me. Sorry. " 

" It's fine. Bye. Have a good rest of your day. " 

" See ya. You too. " Carter leaves and I pack up. I had fun today. My phone rings and I answer it.  

" Hello? " 

" We're here. "

" Okay. See you in a few. " I hang up and gather my things. 

Outside I see Rosalie, Alice, Nessie, and Bella in the car. I buckle up and look out the window. " So. How was tutoring? " Bella asks. 

" Good. I understand a little bit more. Carter makes things fun to learn. He's a good tutor. " 

" Oh. Really? He sure is cute too. " Alice says. I freeze. She saw him? When? Where? 

" Oh yeah. He's a cutie. " Rosalie adds.

" Did he ask you out? " Nessie asks

" No! Why would he ask me out? We were just working on math stuff. " I think I know exactly where this conversation is going to end up. 

" Just working huh? Okay? " Alice said raising an eyebrow, not believing me. 

" Yes! Just working. " 

The girls tease me the whole ride home. As soon as Rosalie parks, I run out of the car and into the house. I burst into the kitchen, where the boys and Esme and Carlisle were. 

" Esme! Carlisle! Help me! " I say yelling and ducking behind Jasper. Esme and Carlisle get up quickly and look outside. 

" Where's the danger? Who's trying to hurt you? " Emmett says getting up. 

" Rose, Alice, Nessie, and Bella are teasing me! They won't stop. Make them stop! " I say pointing to the door I came through. Laughter filled the room as the four girls came in. 

" Oh hi guys. " Said Nessie. 

" We saw Carter. He's so cute! " Alice says

Jasper frowns a little. " But not as cute as you, Jasper. " Alice says kissing his cheek. 

" Do you guys want to see a picture? " Rosalie asks. She got a picture of him too? 

" Sure. "

" Yup. "

Rosalie pulls out her phone. She pulls up a picture of Carter leaving the school and shows everyone. 

" He's a cute kid. "  Esme says. I groan. Not you too Esme! 

" He seems decent. " said Edwierdo. Hah! Edwierdo.  

" Does he have ear rings? " asked Carlisle squinting at the screen. 

" Yeah. He does. " I say

" Why does he have ear rings? " 

" I don't know. Maybe he was trying to make a fashion statement. " I say sighing and taking a seat. 

" This girl came to pick him up. She didn't look much older than him. " Alice said to Esme and Carlisle. She turned to me. " Is she his Girlfriend or something? " 

" That's Jessica. She watches him, because his mom doesn't trust him home alone. I guess there was an accident that happened when he was alone a few years ago. "

" So she's like his babysitter? " Emmett says smiling.

" I guess. She doesn't really watch him though. She's on her phone like 90% of the time. " 

" How do you know this? " Bella asked. 

" Carter and I talked a little. " 

" So you guys weren't just working. You talked too. What else did you do?  " Alice said. I stand up and turn leaving and huffing. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now