I think I know who those people are Chapter 40

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I feel a little panicked. Carter and his mom, are in danger. 

" Madison. Madison. " Leah's hand waved in my face. 

I blinked as I was brought back to earth. " What? Sorry. " 

" We need to figure out who the girl is, and why they want her. We also need to watch out for Carter and his mother. " 

" What did the people look like? " I ask. 

" um. " Alice closes her eyes. " One of the guys has brunette hair. He had a scar running down his face. He was wearing a dark blue leather Jacket, and a grey shirt. His eye's were dark, and he had a small mole on the side of his jaw. " 


" One of the women has short, dark red hair. She has a birth mark under her left eye brow. She was wearing a dark fancy shirt, and dark pants. " 


" The second woman, I couldn't see her face. She had a black cloak over her face. And the last person, I found out his name was Lance, had dark brown hair, almost black. He was wearing a dark green jacket, and a grey shirt. " 

The mystery man in one of my dreams. 

" Oh. My. Gosh. " My eye's widen, and all heads turn to me. 

" What? Are you okay Madison? " Esme reaches over and grabs my hand.

" I think I know who those people are. " I look up at everyone. " Valarie, Justin, and maybe Carter's brother. They were all in my nightmare's with this woman who claimed she was my mother. Elizabeth. " 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now