Last Chance Chapter 7

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Valarie is the person in the pic.

Valarie sat on the love seat in her living room smirking and twirling a ring on her finger, as Justin brought me in the room. His arm grabbed my wrist hard. There's going to be a bruise tomorrow. 

" You were supposed to be home after school. You were supposed to cook dinner. You were supposed to clean! I give you a home. A family. And you don't listen to me! You are a terrible terrible child! I new from the start you were going to be trouble. A waste of my time. I still got you though. I took a chance on you. I have given you enough chances. You will never disrespect me after this child. You will always remember this. " Valarie laughed evilly and looked at Justin. " You know what to do. My other children are with my mother. " 

I am stuck here alone with two psycho maniacs. Yay. 

Justin grabs my arms and pins them behind my back. Valarie gets up. She lifts my chin and slaps me. Over and over. My nose starts to bleed. She kicks my legs out from under me. I fall to the ground. Justin grabs my shirt and pulls me back up. Valarie punches me in the lip, opening the cut. I can feel pain everywhere. Justin laughs. He is enjoying this. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now