Voices Chapter 41

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" Who are those people? " Seth asks. 

" I've been having nightmare's lately, and they all include a few main people. Valarie, my old foster mother, Justin, her boyfriend, this mystery man or also known as Lance, the Cullen's, and Elizabeth. The woman who claims to be my mother. " I sigh and lean back. " I know it sounds weird. But, I have this weird feeling, that the Lance boy is somehow related to Carter. I am honestly confused. Are my dreams something I should worry about, or should I just try to forget them. In every dream I die. In every dream, the Cullen's are either used against me, or someone's killed. " 

Everyone absorbs the information. 

" I know what's happening. " Carlisle looks at Paul. " The couple that attacked the girl, what did they look like? " 

" It was a little dark, but the woman had dark red hair and the man had brown hair. " 

" Did you see what the girl looked like? " 

Paul looks at me. " Now that I think about it, she looked a little like Madison. She had dark brown hair. I didn't get a good look at her, because she was running into the woods. "

" Did you let the couple survive? " 

" Yeah. Barely. They were close to dying. It was so hard not to kill them. Who hurts a little girl?! "

Carlisle looks at me. " The night you came to us, what happened? " 

I feel tears sting my eye's the back of my eye's. " uh, Well, Valarie and Justin were mad at me, and they started beating me. I eventually was able to get away, but they started to chase me. I ran and ran, screaming for help. NO one would help me though. Then Justin pulled me back by my hair. A dark, tall, furry thing attacked Justin. It looked like a dog, but I didn't stick around long enough to see. I ran and ran until I arrived at your house. " 

" Madison, you were the girl, Paul saved. " 

I look up at Paul and smile a little. " Thank you Paul. " 

He nods and smiles. 

" So Paul, you left the couple halfway dead? " 

" Yeah. "

" Someone saved them Someone saved Valarie and Justin, and is now messing with Madison's head. " Carlisle looks at me. " I think some's looking for you and Carter. I don't know why, but they want to find you. "

" We need to protect You and Carter.  " Esme says. " We need to make sure your safe. "

I'm a little overwhelmed. One minute I'm safe, and then another I'm getting hunted down by vampires. 

" Can I step outside for a minute? " I ask. 

" Sure. Just be careful. " 

I get up and walk outside. I close the door behind me, and take a deep breath. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. 

I hear a rustling in the woods. My eye's snap open and I look around. " Hello? " I take a step back. 

I hear a male chuckling.

" Who are you? " I'm getting a little worried now. My heart races a little. 

Whoever it is, moves and twigs crunch under her feet. 

I keep stepping backwards and looking around. 

" Hello Madison. " A female voice says laughing. " How are you? "  

My back touches the door, and I try to open it. 

My nightmare's flash through my mind. My heart races even faster as I hear footsteps approach me. 

" I found you. " The female voice says. She laughs and sighs. 

I hear the door open, but I can't move. My breath stops for a moment. An arm pulls my into the house and someone growls. 

As the door closes in my face, I hear the voices again. 

" I'll see you again Madison. Don't you worry. " 

I feel like I can breath again. I cough a lot and wheeze. 

" Madison! Honey, are you okay?! " Esme runs to me and hugs me. 

" What happened?! " Carlisle runs at me and Esme. 

" There was something outside.  You guys were too busy fighting with each other, that you didn't notice their was a cold feeling in the air." I look up and see Jacob behind me. 

Esme looks at me. " Do you know what  was out there? "

" I heard a female and male voice. They said they were looking for me. When Jacob pulled me back, the female said ' Don't worry Madison, I'll find you again. ' 

Esme hugged me tighter. 

" I couldn't breath. It was like something was stopping my lungs from getting air. I couldn't move. " 

My shock wore off, and my eye's start to water. " I was so scared. I couldn't move. " I cry into Esme's shoulder. " I was so scared. I didn't think anyone would help me. I was so scared mom. " I cry into her shoulder, not caring that I just called her mom, or that everyone could see us. 

" Sh. Sh. Your safe right now. I'm sorry. So sorry. " She rubs my back. 

I nod and calm myself. I take a deep breath. " I'm okay. " 

Esme smiles at me softly. " Do you want some water? " 

I shake my head. " Can I go to my room? " 

" Sure sweetie. " 

I walk upstairs to my room. 

As some as my head hits my pillow, I fall asleep.

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