You hurt her, we hurt you Chapter 33

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Carter and I make our way to Emmett's car. I told my siblings that we're meeting at our house. Now my brothers are trying to practice to act all tough and intimidating. 

" My bro's are a little over protective. They are going to act all macho, but on the inside, they're all big babies. " I see my brothers glaring at me. I know those dimwits are listening to me and reading my mind. Edward. 

We get to Em's car, and All the Cullen teen's gather around us. 

" Hi! I'm Alice. " Alice says excitedly. Rosalie smirks and looks between Carter and I. I roll my eyes. " This is Rosalie. " Alice says grabbing Rosalie. " That's Emmett, Rose's boyfriend, this is Jasper, my boyfriend. That's Rensemee, Bella, and Bella's boyfriend Edward. " Alice says motioning to each person. 

Hi's were echoed through the group. 

" Look here, Carter. You better be good to my sister. Don't hurt her, or we'll hurt you. Got it? " Emmett says stepping forward. He cracks his knuckles for show. 

" He's just putting on a show. Don't worry about them. They're really sweethearts when you get to know them.  " I whisper to Carter. He nods nervously. 

The guys glare at me, and I glare back. 

" Let's go. " Rose says pushing Carter and I into Emmett's car. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now