You guys are very rude Chapter 35

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" Uh, yes. " The man who spoke before pushed me aside and walked into the kitchen. " Geez. Rude old men. " I mumble rolling my eyes.

Some of the guys outside chuckle. I walk back into the kitchen and sit down by Carter. 

The guys outside come in one by one. 

" Who are they? And why are they only halfway clothed? " Carter whispers as he watches them walk in. 

" I honestly have no idea. Maybe they're just weird people who barge into houses half clothed. " 

He nods and watches as the last person, the girl, walks out of the kitchen. " I'm kind of curious. I want to see what will happen. " I get up and walk slowly to the living room. 

Carter follows me. 

" Why are you here? " I here Emmett ask the people annoyed. 

" There's another one of your kind running around here. Did you turn another one. " The grumpy old man asks. I mean, he isn't that old, but he sure acts all mean. 

" No. We didn't. How many are here? " Esme asks. 

" Three. Jared attacked a couple, a couple of weeks ago, who were trying to kill this girl, and I have a feeling that they're the same people. " 

My stomach tightens. Some guy named Jared saved me. Or is he an animal? I saw fur. I mean, I think I did. I was too busy running for my life. 

So, if these people think the couple the Jared guy attacked, is still alive, they are looking for me probably. 

Who turned them though? And why? 

Edward looks over at me. I blush in embarrassment because I was caught.

" You kids can come out. These's mutts won't bite. " Rosalie earned some growls and glares from the people. Carter and I step into the living room, and walk over the Esme. Esme puts her arms around our shoulders. 

" Why are there human's here. " The grumpy man asks. 

" This is Madison, my adoptive daughter, and her math tutor, Carter. " Esme says. 

The man raises his eyebrow, and looks at us. I fold my arms and roll my eyes. Could this guy be ruder. 

I sigh and look at my nails. I'm confused. Who are these people? 

" Madison. This is Sam. " Edward says while pointing to the grumpy man. 

I raise an eyebrow at him. We have a glaring match. 

I sigh bored of him and look at the next person. " That's Embry, Leah, Jacob, Quil, Seth, Paul, and Jared. Jared. 

The Jared who attacked Valarie and Justin? 

" Yes. " Edward says out of the blue. 

I turn my head to him, and make an eye gesture to Carter. 

He doesn't know that you can read minds. You sound like a crazy person, answering my thoughts. Knock it off please. 

He nods. I turn to look at the people to see them watching me. I roll my eyes at them. My eye's land on the Seth guy. 

His eye's look so similar to the one's Carter and I saw in the woods. 

No one speaks. " Do you want us to leave so you can continue to speak in private? " I ask the crowd of people. 

The other people look at each other. 

" She's going to find out anyway. She does live with some of them " Paul says looking at the Cullen's. 

" You people are so rude. All of you. " I look at both the Cullen's and The others. 

" What do you mean? " The Jacob guys asks annoyed. 

Is this the Jacob, Nessie talked to me about a while back? I can see why she would have problems with him.

" First of all, " I point to grumpy man. " You just pushed me aside and barged into this house. That's just rude.  I could call the sheriff and have you arrested for assault. But I don't want to deal with cops, so I'll forgive you. " I turn to Jacob. 

" You just sound rude. " Then I turn to Paul. " You keep looking at my family like they're the grossest thing in the world. If your going to look at something like that, you might as well look at your self. Your the one with no shirt on. " I shake my head. " Why are you guys so strong? Do you use steroids or something? " I mumble to my self.

No one speaks. They just keep looking at Sam, Jacob, and Paul. 

What? Did I insult the leader of this gang or something? 

" You did. " I turn to my older brother. 

" What did I tell you Eddie boy. " 

Just stop reading my mind. Then you won't be as tempted to answer me. I give my brother the look. 

" But your thoughts are always very entertaining. " 

I roll my eyes. " I give up. Might as well expose it. " 

Carter's looking at Edward and I like we're crazy. 

I smile trying to imagine what he's thinking. 

" I am not a weirdo. " Edward says sitting down and folding his arms. 

Carters eye's widen. I sigh and sit back in the couch. " Carter. Have you ever heard of Vampires? " 

" Yeah. Why? " 

I look at my family. Rosalie's glaring at the back of Edwards head. Emmett smacks the back of Edwards head. 

Jasper sighs and rubs his forehead. Alice rubs her boyfriends arm. 

Esme hugs me tighter. 

" Don't freak out, but, -"

" Your Vampires. " He raises an eyebrow and smiles. " That's pretty cool. " 

" Well, I'm not, but my family is. " I turn to the other people. " I don't know what they are.  " 

They could be mermaids for all I know. 

I smile and laugh, I can totally imagine some of these guys in a mermaid tail. 

Carter looks at me. 

" I'm just imagining what these guys would look like if they were mermaids. " I whisper in his ear. 

He laughs, and I see some of the guys stiffen. Edward smiles. 

" Just a guess. " I look at the other people. " What are you? " 

Jacob answers. " We're Shape shifters. " 

" So you turn into, like a slug or a cat? " I ask. I picture their faces on a cat's body.

Paul scoffs. " No. Wolves. " 

" So your a werewolf? " Carter looks amused. 

" No. We're shape shifters. Werewolves lose control of their minds when they're in their were wolf form. They also turn on every full moon. " Seth scratches the back of his neck. " We can still think when we're wolves. We can choose when we want to turn. " 

" Cool. Now I can say I know some big dogs. " Some of the Cullen's stifle a laugh. " I saw you. " I point to Seth. " I think. You were in the woods. " 

" Yeah. I was in wolf form. I was wondering why there were human's with the Cullen's. " 

Esme looks at Carter. " You can't tell anyone about us. It would be dangerous for you, and for us. " 

" Yes Ma'am. I won't tell a soul. " He pretends to zip his mouth. 

A car parks and Carlisle walks into the house. " Hello, I- Why are you guys here? " 

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