I barely have enough time to plan a party! Chapter 31

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" Mo-Esme. " I say blushing. I almost said mom. " I'm Hungry. " 

" I'll fix you something honey. " Esme says while standing up. I lean back into the couch. 

" Maddie. We are going shopping tomorrow after school. " Rosalie says standing up. She pushes Edward away from me and sits next to me.

" Rude! " Emmett says pouting. " My girlfriend left me for another girl. " 

I laugh. " You guys are really weird. " 

" I know. But you like it. " Jasper says cuddling with his girlfriend. 

" I do. I get so much live entertainment. " 

" Who wants to watch the game? " Emmett asks. 

 " Not me Embear. " I say yawning. 

" Sure. " 

" Yes! "

" No. " 

Emmett ignore's Rosalie's ' no' and turns the TV on to a sports channel. 

The guys yell and shout at the TV, while us girls sit around and cheer for the team opposite of the boys, just for fun. 

Our team gets a point and we cheer. The boys glare at us and pout. 

I shrug. 

" Maddie? Your food's done. " Esme calls from the kitchen. I get up and go into the kitchen. 

At the table, a plate less than half full waits for me. I sit down and start to eat. 

" Thank you Esme. It's so good! " She smiles and sits across from me. I hear the boys yell at the TV. 

She chuckles and gets up. I hear her yell at the boys, telling them they better not break another TV. 

I finish all of my food and wash my plate. I put the dish away and decide to clean up a little. I sweep the floor, and wipe the table down. 

" You don't have to do that Madison. " A voice startles me. 

I jump a little and see Alice at the door frame. 

" Oh. You scared me. I know I don't, but I want to. " She nods. 

" When's your birthday Maddie? " She asks.

" Uh. It's actually next week. On the 21st. " 

" What! I barely have time to plan a party for you! " She exclaims. 

" Oh. I don't need a pa-" 

" YOU NEED A PARTY! Your turning 16! You need a sweet 16. I have to get to work. I need to hand out invites and...." 

Her voice fades as she leaves the room. I walk into the living room and sigh. The blinds are up, so the moon is shining in on us. 

" She's going to go all out for your party, you know. " Rosalie says.

" I kind of figured that out. " I sit down next to Esme, and she starts to brush my hair. Every night, she brushes my hair. I love it. I love the feeling of having someone care enough to do my hair. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now