This must be how death feels. Chapter 11

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This must be how death feels. I feel... Calm. Safe.

" Maddie? Maddie. Can you hear me? Madison. " A familiar voice says. I can't quite remember who's voice. This is not heaven. 

" Five more minutes. Please Miss pain in the butt. " I say thinking that I'm talking to Valarie. 

" We'll. At least we know she's alive. " Another voice says. This time female. Rosalie! Rose! 

" Rose! " I yell and shoot up from the bed I'm on. I look around. " This is not heaven. " 

Everyone laughs. I feel blood rush to my head. I grab my head. " Ugh. " I say and the laughter dies down. 

" Madison? Are you okay? " Nessie asks. She's standing by Bella and Edward. Everyone is in the room. Geez. Talk about cramped space. 

" Hey guys. Let's leave and let Carlisle treat Maddie. She probably feel to cramped in here with all of us in her. " Edward says like he read my mind. Weird. Thank you Edweirdo. I think and chuckle to myself. Edward makes a face and leaves the room. Nessie and Bella follow after. " I'm going to get you new cloths. Okay? " Alice says leaving with Jasper following her. 

" Maddie? I want to talk to you later. Okay? " Rosalie says 

I nod, but soon regret it. I get another blood rush. 

" I wouldn't move my head around a lot if I were you Maddie. " Carlisle said to me. I nod in response and groan. I lay back and slap my face. I soon regretted that too, because my eye started to hurt. 

Emmett shakes his head. " Hey. You. " I point to Emmett. He stops and looks at me. " Don't do that. I can't shake my head, and your making me sad. I miss shaking my head. It's my signature move. " I said pouting. Emmett laughs and leaves. Esme and Carlisle are the only one's in the room with me. I look around and see a picture of The Cullen family. They look perfect. They're all beautiful and they look like angels. 

" Maddie. We need to know what happened to you last night. If we want to catch the people who hurt you, we need to know what happened. " Memories from last night came rushing back. I started to cry and Esme rubs my back. I cry on her shoulder. 

" It's okay Madison. Your safe. They won't be able to hurt you. Not now. Not ever. " Carlisle says sitting at the edge of the bed. I cry for a few more minutes. 

I blush. " Sorry. I got your shirt wet. " I say wiping tears off my face.

" It's okay. You needed to cry. " Esme says smiling. She pulls my into a hug. She puts her chin on my head. I feel....different. I don't know how to describe this feeling. Warm and fuzzy. I feel...I don't know what I feel. Esme pulls away. She touches my nose. 

" Now. You need to eat and drink some water. You are way underweight, and dehydrated. We will talk about this later. " Esme stands up and brushes her jeans off. " Carlisle? Check her. Make sure she's okay. " Esme left and I felt sad. I miss her. I can't get to attached! No Madison! No. You know how this works. Your foster family doesn't work out. You get sent back to the home. I can never get attached. Everything I get attached to either dies or gets taken away from me. 

" What's wrong Maddie? " Carlisle asks. 

" Nothing. Why do you ask? " 

Carlisle looks up from his bag. " Every time your thinking about something  that makes you sad, you get this look on your face. " He makes a funny face and I laugh. " I do not! " 

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