We'll tell her later. When she wakes up Chapter 25

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Esme P.O.V.

Madison just barely fell asleep. I feel so bad for my little girl. She keeps having nightmares. There are vampires in her dreams. Carlisle checks to make sure Madison's asleep before whispering to me. " Let's go talk to the others downstairs. " 

" Yes. " I carefully move Maddie's head off of my shoulder and onto a pillow. She looks so cute when she's asleep! Her mouth is partially open and she's curled up in a little ball. We walk downstairs where everyone except Renesmee and Madison, are talking and watching movies. When we walk in everyone quiets down. 

" Hey Guys. " Alice says sitting up. 

" We need to talk. Maddie came to our room a few hours ago, and we just barley got her to fall back asleep. " I said 

" She keeps having nightmares. This is her fourth one. " Jasper says. 

" Rose, Jasper, when you guys went to go check on her, did she tell you what her dreams were about? " Carlisle asks.

" Yeah. "

" They're so sad. How can a kid go through all of those horrid dreams? " Rosalie says. 

" I don't know what the cause of her dreams are, but I want to run some tests on her tomorrow. " Carlisle sits down next to me and grabs my hand. 

" Those dreams, they all seem connected. Every dream she has, involved Carter. " Edward says deep in thought. 

" We need to tell Madison what we are. She's going to find out sooner or later. If we don't tell her now, she may find out from someone else. " I'm worried about how Maddie will respond to us telling her we're vampires. 

" Yeah we need to tell her soon. " Bella says laying her head in her husbands lap.

" We'll tell her later. When she wakes up. " 

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