Passed out Chapter 58

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Hey guys. I won't be able to update for a little while. I'll try to some more as soon as I can. Thanks you guys. Have a good day! - N


It's been an hour since the Cullen's locked me and Carter in my room. 

Carter fell asleep on my bed, and I am just aimlessly staring at the wall. I start to whistle a movie song. 

I watch as Jasper, and Alice switch places with Eddie boy, and Bella. 

Nessie's in the corner, reading a book. 

I cough, and look out the window. Well, more like look at a curtain. They covered every window with a curtain. 

I still have no idea what's going on. 

I sigh. " Will someone in this house please tell me what the heck is going on?! " 

" The visitors are here. " Alice says peeking out the window. 

" Thanks. " I stand up, and stretch my legs. " I need the rest room. Do I need an escort, or can I go by myself? " I ask walking to the door. 

" Hurry back. Stay away from the window. " Jasper gives me a serious look. 

" Okay. " 

I hurry to the rest room, and close the door. As soon as I finish washing my hands a knock comes from the window. I freeze, and turn around. 

The glass shatters, and I scream. A woman hits me on the head with something, and knocks me out. 

I fall onto the cold, hard, bathroom floor. 

Oh man. What have I gotten myself into now.

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now