Meeting the Cullen's and Justin Chapter 3

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Pic is of Justin.

I've been going to my new school for a week, and I haven't made any friends yet. I sit at a table by the Cullen's every lunch, and have at least one of them in all of my classes. I found out that some of them are dating. Their all foster kids, like me. Their foster dad is a doctor. Some people still watch me as I sit by the Cullen's but most don't care anymore.

I sit down at my usual table and pull out a cheese stick. Cheese. On slice of meat, and water. That's all I have. I've been observing the Cullen's a little bit at a time everyday. Why are they so beautiful? If their not related, why do the have the same eye color? Why are they so pale? Do they just never  go into the sun? I look down at the table thinking until I hear some whispers coming from the Cullen's. I hear a ' No ' and a ' Yes '. My table shakes a little as someone sits down. I look up to see the boy who's in my math class, Emmet, and girl I bumped into, Rosalie, sit down by me. They both looked a little frusturated. 

" Hello? Can I help you? " I ask as I put my  cheese wrapper away in my bag. \

" I'm sorry. I'm Rosalie. " Rosalie Guestures to her self and then to Emmet. " That's Emmet. "

" I'm Madison. Madison Mason. " 

" Do you mind if we sit here? " 

I shake my head. " Not at all. "  I take a sip from my water to try to calm down the hunger in my stomach. Emmett pushes his food around and Rosalie stares at her's. If her food was an animal and looks could kill, her food would be dead a million times over. Edward, laughs and Rosalie glares at him. He quickly stopped and looked over at Renesmee. My stomach growls a little and I blush hoping no one heard. I swallow some more water trying to fill my stomach up. 

Rosalie looks over at me and pushes her tray towards me. " Here. I'm not hungry. " 

" Are you sure? " I ask. I don't want to eat her food. It wouldn't be right. She has to eat to. " I don't want to take your food from you. You have to eat to. " 

" I'm fine. Eat up. " I don't hesitate. I quickly eat. Rosalie and Emmet look up and watch me. I blush and slow down. The food is okay, but when your hungry, you are hungry.  I start thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner for Valarie and the other kids. I picture Valarie sitting at home eating the food I made with all the other kids. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Edward Frown and whisper to Bella. She also frowns and looks up at her Boyfriend. 

" So, " Emmet says trying to start up a conversation. " Where did you live before you moved here? " 

" Hollywood. " 

" That's cool. We used to live in Alaska. " 

I Smiled. " Really? I would love to live there. There are pretty cool animals there. " The bell rang and I picked up my trash. " Well, I'll see you guys in class. Bye. Thank you Rosalie. " 

" Call me Rose. " I nodded and smiled. 

" Thank you Rose. "  I head to art. Jasper is in his seat copying down some notes that he missed yesterday. 

He looked up as I entered the room and smiled. " Hi. I'm Jasper. Sorry i haven't been the friendliest person this past week.  " I smiled back.

" I'm Madison.  It's fine. Everyone has their bad weeks. " 

Renesemee came in and sat down next to me. She looked angry. 

" You okay Nessie? " Jasper asked Renesemee. Nessie? 

" Yes Uncle Jaz. " She said through gritted teeth. She was definately not okay. Uncle Jaz? He's her uncle? 

I look down and suddenly Renesmee turns to me. " Boys suck. " Jasper pouted playfully and Renesmee looked at him. " No offence Jasper. " 

I nod a little. 

" First Jake wanted to talk to me. Then he didn't! What does he want! He seems happy one sencond, then seems like he's ready to kill someone the next. I try to talk to him, but he doesn't want to talk. Five minutes later, he wants to talk! I am so confused! And boys think we're complicated! " With that she huffed and sat down. Jasper is looking between us. Who's Jake? 

" Boys are really complicated. They are really dramatic too sometimes. " I say not really sure what else to say. 

" Sorry. I didn't mean to dump that all on you. I'm Renesmee. Renesmee Cullen. " She sticks out her hand and I shake it. Wow! She's kind of cold. 

" Madison. Madison Mason, but you can call me Maddie. " 

" So. Renesmee. You can talk to Maddie, a person you just met, but not me? You uncle? The uncle who's been there your whole life? " Jasper says. 

Renesmee nods. " She's a girl. She understands. Your a boy. The last time I tried to talk to you about boys, you ran from the room saying you had stuff to do. " I laugh a little. The rest of the day goes by super fast and soon school's over. 

" By Alice! It was nice meeting you. " I waved to the pixie haired girl sitting next to me. I have met all of the Cullen's. I walk out side, into the cold wind and head home. 

" Madison! You are late! My children are hungry! You don't get food tomorrow or today! Justin is coming over soon, so make a beautiful dinner. " Valarie says as I walk through the door. I spend the whole night cooking and cleaning until Justin comes in. He sees me and smirks. One of his favorite games it to see how many times he can slap or punch me until I cry. He knows  I hate crying. 

" Madison. How are you? " Justin asks taking off his black coat. It's probably as black as his heart. Valarie steps in front of her Boyfriend and kisses him. 

" Hey honey. How are you? I missed you. " She says holding his arm. 

" Good. But I feel like punching something right now. " Oh no. I know what comes next. 

That night I lay in my bed barely able to move. My face hurts. My side hurts. Everything hurts. Why does he have to hurt me? Why? I think back to the note my parents gave me when I was born. It talked about how I was worthless and a disappointment. How I was never going to find a family.  Maybe it's right. Maybe I'll never find a family. 

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