Lance is here Chapter 50

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Carter P.O.V.

I'm sitting with my back facing the house. It's pitch black. The rains pouring down. Thunder booms through the sky. 

I have no idea who's in my house. My heart's pounding. My head's hurting. 

My throat feels dry. My eye's sting. 

I'm wet. I'm cold. 

A twig snaps in the woods next to me. I jump up and pull out my pocket knife. 

" Carter. Where are you? " A voice says through the phone. Carlisle.

" I'm out in front of the house. " I look around. Another twig snaps and a low chuckles fills the air. 

A female hums and giggles. 

" Carter! " Carlisle yells from the woods next to me. I look in, but its too dark. 

The chuckle gets closer. 

" Carter! " Emmett yells from the back of the house. 

Two pairs of eye's glow from the woods. Bloody red. 

" Carter! Come here! " Rosalie pops out of the woods. She hurries towards me, and the man and woman sink back into the woods, grinning. 

The man. He's here. 

My brother is here.

Lance is here.

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now