Madison Chapter 1.

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Hey guys! This is my first story. I hope you all enjoy. I am kind of crazy about Twilight right now. All of the characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. I only own the one's I created. Tell me if you would like me to add anything in here. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my story. I hope to be able to update quickly. Thanks! - N

If anyone were to bother to ask me how to describe my room, I would say : Cold, Dark, Sad. I live with Ms. Valarie Robin. She is a cruel, heartless person. She hates me. I am hated by everyone. I don't even know why she bothered to foster me. She gave me the worst room in her giant house. There are bugs and all sorts of stuff in my room. I try to keep it clean, but there is only so much a fifteen year old with no money can do. My small bed is in the corner of my attic room next at a small dresser. I have a red beat up, old chair next to a small widow that over looks my backyard pool. Albert, the oldest kid here at 17, is by the small white fence in the yard, chatting and no doubt flirting with some neighborhood girls. Mia, the youngest at 7, is playing with 10 year old Miranda. 14 year old Cooper is sitting with Valarie, and 15 year old Micheal is eating a cookie. What does a cookie taste like? I have never had one before. I am too unworthy to eat cookies is what Valarie says. The sun is setting and everyone is heading inside. I hurry down stairs to finish up dinner.

" Madison! Is dinner ready? We are all hungry! " Valarie yells from the back door.

" Yes Ms. Robin. The food is done. " I walk out to the dining room table with my arms full of food. Boxes, I have yet to unpack, lay in the corners of the room. We just moved here from California. Valarie wanted to be a movie star, but she had no luck. Her boyfriend, Justin, lived in Forks, so she made us pack and move here.

" Here you go. " I say as I put my spaghetti dish in the middle of the dining room table. I step back and let everyone grab their fill. When they finish, I grab a small plate for myself.

" Madison. You are starting school tomorrow. Everyone else, will be starting the day after you. " Valarie says with a mouthful of food. Ew.

" Yes Ma'am. "

" When everyone is done, wash the dishes. " I nod. This is how everyday goes. I cook and clean. Valarie tells me what to do, unless I don't want to eat for a day.

After everyone finished I cleaned up the kitchen. It is family game night tonight. I am never included. I can hear laughter in the living room. What is it like to have a loving family? How do you feel? Do people still ignore you? I have so many questions, and no one to answer them. I make my way up to my room and change into my PJ's. They are super old and worn, but they're all I have. " Goodnight. " I whisper into the world as I fall asleep.

I Hope you guys liked my first chapter! Thanks for reading! - N

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