WHAT!!!! Chapter 43

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" WHAT!!!" Carter stand up quickly. 

" Calm down Carter. " I whisper looking at everyone's staring eye's. " You know, people can be so nosy. " I say loudly to the staring kids.

I raise an eyebrow to them, and they turn their heads.

" How can I calm down?! Some Psycho, maniac, vampires want to kill you and me! " He gets up and paces.

" Look on the bright side, at least you have a big dog to scare off bullies. " I nervously smile trying to distract him with humor.

His facial expression says ' you have got to be kidding me '. He sighs and sits down. " Well, goodbye life. One of these day's I'm going to be killed by some psycho's." 

" Don't think like that. You have a big puppies and vampire's to look out for you. They won't let you die. " 

Carter smiles. " Do you think one of the shape shifter's will let me ride on their back, when they're a wolf? " 

" Maybe. " I take a bite of my food. 

Madison Mason (Not Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now