56. Crazy Ex Part II

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▪ Zadarius ▪

I yawned as I felt across the bed for Trina. She wasn't there. I jumped out of bed and checked the closet. Hell she might have lowkey left my ass. I checked the closet and everything was the same, but that don't mean nothing. This Trina I'm talking about. I picked up my phone to call her.


"Where are you?"

"Zadarius you better not be calling me cause you got up and thought I left your ass cause this situation." She said through the phone. I knew she rolled her eyes. Smart ass.

"Whatever smart ass. I called to see if you made me breakfast." I said as I walked in the kitchen.

"Zadarius motherfucking King get off my God damn line. You know damn well I cook breakfast every morning and you see that damn plate sitting in the microwave." She said and hung up. I chuckled. Her smart ass. I grabbed my plate and started to eat. She must have been on her way home because not even ten minutes later she walked inside yelling.

"Zadarius where the hell you at?" I swallowed the last bit of my food and hid against the wall. When she walk in she not going to see me. Shit I should've got under the table. I held my breathe as she walked into the kitchen. I tried to ease out the kitchen.

"Darius you ain't slick. I seen your big ass in here when I walked in." I let go of the breathe I was holding and laughed.

"Baby." I sang moonwalking over to her. She bust out laughing.

"Nah man, move. You thought I left you high and dry huh?" She asked.

"Psh nah. I just was hungry." I lied. She patted my back.

"Sure you were. Now when are you taking the test?"

"Today at one o'clock." I said. She nodded.

"Okay." She said. I'm still trying to figure out when she going to beat my ass or try and kill me in my sleep. Trina would wait twenty years and you'd never expect it. I went upstairs to see her under the cover. She undressed and had her satin cap back on her head. She love them things, I swear. She even got T wearing them and that nigga ain't got no hair. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I did that I got in bed with Trina. Ima miss her when she go back to work. It'll just be my Princess and I, until it'll be time for me to get the boys from school.

"Trinaaaaaaa." I said poking her.

"What Zadarius?" She mumbled into the pillow.

"I love yyyyyyoooooouuuuu." I sang in her ear.

"Zadarius if you don't want me to leave you shut the hell up." She said placing the cover over her head. I chuckled. Even after doing all that she do in the morning she come back home and sleep, sometimes when I'm not bothering her. Well I bother her all the time.

"But baby." I whined.

"Bye Felicia." She said going under the cover again. I chuckled. I'll just spend time with Talia.

▪ T ▪

"Getty up horsey." I said smacking Denise ass.

"Ride that dick like you riding a bull. Grab it by the horns. Yes that's it." I groaned.

"Shit baby I'm bout to nutt, with two t's." I grunted.

"Give it to me daddy." She moaned.

"Fuck." I shouted cuming in the condom.

"That was the best ten seconds of my life boo. Thank you." I said kissing her cheek. I got up butt naked walking into the bathroom. I love fucking with her ass. We been going at it since she came from dropping the kids off from school three hours ago. I was fucking it up hunty. Let me put on my satin cap so I don't drown while I'm in the shower. My waves can't be out near more water. I'd tsunami the whole state. I don't need the babies hurt cause of my waves. I felt a cold breeze and I knew it was Denise getting in the shower with me. I smacked her hand away from my python.

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