Give Up

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Irene slowly opened the door of the bedroom to check on Chaeyoung who never leaves the room for almost three days now. She needed to be told to go for a shower even though the bathroom is just in the bedroom itself. She never leaves Jungkook's side and stayed sitting down on the bedside waiting for him.

She kept waiting and waiting even though Jungkook did not show any sign of breathing. Even when they brought him to the hospital, the doctor said that he is already dead. There was nothing that can be done so Irene and Mino helped bringing Jungkook's body back to his old house as per Chaeyoung's request.

She did not believe that he is dead since Irene told her that he should have passed the ritual. She did not know how it worked but she wanted to believe that he really passed it. She did not care about what others say since she can see Jungkook looked fine as if he was just sleeping soundly.

Irene put the tray filled with food on the table near the bed as she watched the sleeping Chaeyoung at the bedside. She felt a bit guilty as she thought about her conversation with Mino that early morning. Mino asked her if Jungkook will ever wake up and she could not answer him right away.

"At this time now, I'm...not so sure.", she answered him at that time. She tried to be positive that Jungkook will wake up soon but as days passed by, she questioned herself back if he will not show any change at all. She remembered when Jungkook stabbed himself at the heart with the wooden stake, she was a bit shocked but she tried to think positive that he will still make it.

The last stage of the ritual could be deadly but also could be the other way around. Irene knew that if a vampire wants to be human again through the ritual, the vampire has to stab himself with the wooden stake but avoid from stabbing it to the heart as it will be fatal for them. She thought that Jungkook understands the last stage well but she was wrong.

So now, she felt so stupid for not telling him directly about it. She felt so wrong and failed as a wizard especially when she has seen Jungkook like her own brother. She felt obligated to be the one to be in charge of the ritual yet she failed him.

"Irene?", Mino called her name as slow as he can from the door. She heard it so she quickly wiped her tears that almost fell from her eyes and went to the door asking why he called her. "No, I'm just...wanted to check on you. Are you okay?", he asked her.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'll just wake Chaeyoung and tell her to eat. Then, ask her to go get her shower while I keep an eye on Jungkook for her.", she answered as she looked back at Chaeyoung for a second. She did not want Chaeyoung to wake up because of them chatting there.

Mino looked at Chaeyoung too before he nodded at Irene back. "Hey, don't blame yourself for anything, okay?", he said as he saw her sad look that showed how she felt inside. "I'm trying but...seeing him not moving like that...", Mino closed her mouth before she finished her words. "Don't give up, okay? I'm sorry if my question this morning made you become like this but I didn't mean it that way.", he told her before he moved his hand off from her.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Mino. It's not your fault.", Irene replied as she looked down to the floor. "It's not your fault too. Come on, cheer up. You should show that you're strong. Just like Chaeyoung, she hasn't give up on him.", Mino told her as he tried to make her feel a bit at ease since her face looked so much in distress.

She nodded at him before showing a little smile on her face. "I'll wake Chaeyoung now. She hasn't eaten anything since last night.", she said as she pointed to the tray that she brought into the bedroom last night. "Okay. If you need anything, just call my name. I'll be here.", Mino said before he walked away from there.

Then, Irene walked back to where Chaeyoung is and she patted her shoulder gently. "Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung, wake up.", she said as she kept patting her. "Wake up, Chae. It's almost 10 now. You need to have breakfast.", Irene continued until she saw Chaeyoung opened her eyes. "You haven't eaten anything since last night. So, wake up and eat your breakfast now, okay?", she said  to her.

"I'm not hungry, unnie.", Chaeyoung said as she touched Jungkook's pale face. "Are you sure? You look so weak, Chaeyoung. You need some energy, you need to eat. Do you want Jungkook to see you looking this weak when he wakes up?", Irene said. Chaeyoung kept quiet even though she was really weak since she barely eats anything for days.

"Chaeyoung, I know you don't give up on him yet but spare some time to care for yourself. He will not like it if he sees you like this. So, please eat and take a shower, okay?", Irene tried again to talk with Chaeyoung who looked so stiff as she has been sitting in the same position for a long time. Seeing that Chaeyoung did not move made her become the one moved to sit beside Chaeyoung with the bowl of porridge in her hand.

"Eat a bit, Chaeyoung.", she said as she patted Chaeyoung's shoulder making her slowly turned around. "Eat up. Then, take a shower.", Irene said as she took a spoonful of the porridge and brought it close to Chaeyoung's mouth. "What if I give up on him, unnie?", Chaeyoung suddenly asked making Irene put back the spoon in the bowl.

She looked at Jungkook's face for a while. "Don't say that, Chaeyoung. He will wake up. But before he does, you have to eat. Get your energy back and freshen up yourself with a shower later on. Okay?", she said as she looked at Chaeyoung back.


A question to you all who read this chapter: will you guys give up on him? Will he wake up being human as he desires? 😢😢 I want to know your answer, my dear readers. That's all for now. Till we meet again next time.

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