The Answer

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Jungkook could not stop smiling even when he took a bath after he got home from meeting Chaeyoung. He happily sings his favourite band's song called 'Spring Day' before suddenly stopped as he is combing his hair. He remembered that she did not give an answer to his question yet. "Yah...should I call her?", he said while looking at his phone.

"No, it's better if I see her and listen to her answer in front of me.", he added before sprinting away at that exact moment to Chaeyoung's house.


Chaeyoung neatens her bed to get ready to sleep before she hears a knock on her room door. She told the person knocking to come in but then, she hears a knock again. It made her feel weird and thought for a while. Jooyeon or Jiwoo will never knock and just barge in usually.

So, she quietly walked to the door and waited.

KNOCK!! KNOCK!! For the third time.

She opened the door slowly and stared through the little space at the door only to see Jungkook there. She quickly closed the door back and locked it. She yelled at him, asking him how he got in till there and who let him in.

"Your mum allowed me, Chaeyoung. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. She's downstairs with Jiwoo.", Jungkook answered. She frowned and asked him what he wants that he came at that kind of hour.

"We need to talk. Actually, your mum told me to just go to your room. She said that you wouldn't come out at this hour. So...", Jungkook explained. Chaeyoung heard it while wearing a long pants before opening the door. She made an eye contact with him for a moment till his smile is shown.

"Let's talk outside.", she said before pulling his hand.


When they reached the tree in front of Chaeyoung's house, she asked him what was it that he wanted to talk about with her that he could not wait for tomorrow. Jungkook gave a naughty smile and asked her if she really does not know what he wanted to talk about.

After a moment, she stutteringly asks him if it was about him asking her to be his girlfriend and he nods. He crossed his arms and asked her if she already has the answer for him.

"No.", she simply replied. It made Jungkook frowned as he is unclear whether she said no for not having an answer yet or for not want to be his girlfriend. So, he asked her back what did she mean and she answered the same. Just NO.

"No...for what? I don't get it.", Jungkook said while shaking his head. Chaeyoung stared him down while he shrugged his shoulders as he said 'what' to her staring him. "Let's meet tomorrow at the ice cream store we went before after my work hours and talk a lot more about this, okay?", she suggested.

However, Jungkook shook his head and said that he just needs an answer for that ONE question he asked her which he wanted to know at that time. But, Chaeyoung disagreed and said that he should just follow what she suggested if he really wants the answer.

"Just wait till tomorrow. We meet at the ice cream place.", she said. "Oh, and don't come to my workplace. You follow my plan, I'll give you a good answer.", she added with a smile. Jungkook stared at her for a while before nodding.

"Okay. We'll meet there at 7 tomorrow.", he reminded her. "Alright, then. I'm going inside. See you tomorrow, Jungkook.", Chaeyoung said and waved goodbye to him before he stopped her. "Good night, Park Chaeyoung. Sleep well.", he said and she replied the same to him.


Jungkook waited for Chaeyoung in front of the ice cream store and he smiled as he saw her walking towards him. As she stood in front of him, he greeted her warmly and they walked into the store together. They ordered two mint ice creams and ate together without saying a word.

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