There You Are

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Chaeyoung's eyes opened wide when she woke up as if she just had a nightmare. She slowly turned her face to look around and see Jungkook sleeping with his head on her right arm. She then, looked at the opened door of the room and heard the TV sound.

"Jungkook? Hey, Kookie. Wake up.", she said as she slowly patted his shoulder to wake him. "Kookie?", she said louder and saw Jungkook opened his eyes. "Chaeyoung, you're awake.", he said as he lifted his head and looked at her in worry. "How you feel, Chae? Better?", he asked as he touched her hand.

The worries in his voice made Mino and Irene appeared at the door watching both of them. "I'm feeling just fine. It's just...I see flashes of Taehyung...that night he attacked me.", Chaeyoung said as she positioned herself to sitting on the bedside facing Jungkook who kneeling on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Chae. That thing wouldn't happen if not because of me.", Jungkook said as he looked down on the empty floor. "No, don't say sorry for what happened. I didn't blame you for what happened that night.", Chaeyoung tried to convince him that he was not at fault. "In fact, I hope that you will save me from him and that's all I thought when he sucked my blood. And then, there you are. You saved me. I know it now.", she added as she lifted his chin to look up at her.

"But I was the reason he did that to you. He seek revenge because I interrupted him...", Chaeyoung quickly covered his mouth and shook her head. "I don't want to know that. It's good enough that I got my memory back and I know you saved me. Okay?", she said to him who already has tears in his eyes. She smiled at him and wiped the tears away as she told him to not blame himself anymore.

He let out a little laugh as he felt embarrassed having tears in front of her. "Do you want to drink anything?", he suddenly asked to change the topic. "Sure, what do you have for me?", Chaeyoung replied as she watched him taking a tray covered with a round lid from the bedside table.

He slowly opened the lid without saying anything and looked at Chaeyoung's expression. She took a look at what's under the lid and when Jungkook completely removed it, she looked surprised and quickly pushed the tray away as she went to the bathroom leaving him. "Chae, you okay?", he asked as he put the tray back to the table.

Both Irene and Mino also saw it and they walked in to see Chaeyoung. Jungkook went to her side and saw her started vomiting. He rubbed her back until she stopped and washed her mouth. Then, she suddenly turned to look at him with a sharp glare in her eyes. "You...okay?", he asked in curiosity.

"Of course not! Why did you have a bowl of red, fresh blood on the tray?!", she screamed at him as she walked out of the bathroom. Jungkook stretched his lips in fear of Chaeyoung's sudden anger at him. He looked at Irene and Mino for help as he was just doing what they told him earlier.

"Chaeyoung, he's just making sure you're human now. That's why there's blood. And seeing how you hated it, I'm sure you've successfully turned to human back.", Irene explained on behalf of Jungkook who nodded his head. Mino, on the other hand, made an 'O' with his mouth as if he just understood something.

"So, she vomited just now because she hated blood?", he asked after that. "I hate the strong smell of it, Mino oppa.", Chaeyoung answered it before the others do. "Oh...okay. I thought you're pregnant just now.", Mino said as he smiled at Jungkook. "Pregnant? No!", Chaeyoung quickly retorted before she left the room.

Jungkook slapped his face in embarrassment of what Mino just said while Irene stared at Mino with annoyed look. Mino realized their reaction so he asked 'what' to them. "Since when did you become this slow, Mino?", Irene said as she shook her head. "Okay, both of you have to leave my room now. I need to coax Chaeyoung now.", Jungkook said as he pointed to the door.


Luckily, Chaeyoung was not seriously mad as she had been wanting to keep on celebrating Jungkook's birthday. Even though it was four in the morning, she insisted to have the little celebration after Jungkook told her that he will undergo the ritual when the new day comes. He wanted to quickly do it since Chaeyoung has already changed.

However, he suddenly felt a little nervous about it. He had a lot of 'what ifs' in his head even though he should be happy at the moment. His mind was thinking if he can successfully change if he undergoes the ritual. He thought of what if he could not handle the pain, will he hurt the one he loves or will he let himself die in the process?

"Kookie, make a wish.", Chaeyoung said right after she and the two wizards finished singing him a happy birthday song. He was a bit startled but he tried to act calm as he smiled seeing Chaeyoung in front of him. He blew the candles out and closed his eyes trying to figure out what to wish for. He took Chaeyoung's hand in his without opening his eyes and found out what his wish is.

'I wish when I wake up for the first time after I change...there you are...being beside me always.', Jungkook said in his heart as he put Chaeyoung's hand to where his heart is.


I've been repeating that song up there in the video for a while now that I even named this chapter the same as the song title. 😅 Anyway, see you guys my dearest readers in the next update!! 🤗 The story's close to the ending hmm

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