Early Stage

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Chaeyoung stood still since the ritual started an hour ago without moving anywhere. She has not seen anything weird happen to Jungkook but she saw him closing his eyes like he is enduring pain. When Mino came back beside her with a safe box, she asked if anything is happening to Jungkook at the moment.

"He's feeling the pain now.", Mino said as he watched Jungkook and Irene. "It's only an hour passed. The sun isn't straight up on his head yet. He's already feeling pain?", Chaeyoung asked as she started to worry. "That's why a wizard is needed in the ritual, Chaeyoung. The spell Irene is doing...that's the spell for the reversion. It is long and it's actually used to make a vampire weaker than they usually are.", Mino explained.

"So now as you can see, Jungkook is enduring the pain he feeling inside. It could feel like the poison he drank before.", Mino added making Chaeyoung a lot more worried. She knew how it felt like because Jungkook told her how he felt before. She had tears in her eyes but she tried to stay strong since Jungkook would not want to see her break down in front of him.

"Until when he has to endure it?", Chaeyoung asked. "Until he fell down that he can no longer feel his foot on the ground.", Mino answered as he saw Jungkook clenched his teeth trying to hold the pain he felt. Chaeyoung kept her eyes on Jungkook since she cannot do anything else than that.

'Be strong, Kookie. I know you can do it.', Chaeyoung said in her mind as she hoped he would hear it since he still can read people's mind for the time being.

"I hear you, Chae.", Jungkook said slowly as he opened his eyes and looked at her briefly. A minute passed and then five and then ten minutes later, he felt the pain started to spread to his lower body and it made him slowly crouching down as he stayed leaning on the pole. He stayed down until he got sweaty as the sun went up high above them.

Mino saw it as a sign that the next stage will be starting so he got ready to open the safe box he had with him. At the same time, he watched Chaeyoung who did not looked away from Jungkook at all. He can see that she has tears in her eyes which she was holding in for quite a while.

"Jungkook!", Chaeyoung half shouted as she took a step forward before Mino called out her name. "Don't. Stay there, I'll go to him.", Mino said as he took out a rectangular tray from the safe box and walked close to where Jungkook is. Chaeyoung wanted to follow him but she knew it could interrupt the ritual that is going on so she stayed back as she looked at Jungkook who is lying on the ground with his hands trembling and sweats all over his face.

She watched as Mino and Irene tied Jungkook's hands to the chains at the pole. Then, Mino put the tray with a big bowl under the lid in front of Jungkook who is put in sitting position by Irene. He looked so tired and weak as he tried to open his eyes again.

"Jungkook-ah, you did well. Be ready for your next test, okay?", Irene said as she put a knife beside him. He barely nodded as he switched his gaze to Chaeyoung. Before Irene moved back from him, he grabbed her hand stopping her for a while. "Please...take care of her if I don't make it.", he told Irene. "No, Jungkook. You'll pass this too.", she replied.

"Okay, the blood is ready.", Mino said making Irene walked away from Jungkook as Mino walked back to where Chaeyoung is. Right after everyone has got back to their positions, Irene started the spell for the second stage of the ritual. And when she has started, Jungkook slowly felt better but his body was still weak. He needed the blood, he knew it. But he also knew that if he drinks it, he might lose his chance to revert.

So, he tried to hold himself as Irene came to him and started to pour the blood on him making the white shirt he is wearing turned bloody red. At that time, Chaeyoung once again shouted his name in shock of what Irene is doing. Fortunately, Mino is there to calm her down. He told her that the second stage can be a bit gruesome and that she should remain calm for Jungkook.

"Why is he poured with blood? What animal's blood is that?", she asked as Mino held her right hand preventing her from going anywhere. "You'll see by yourself but keep calm for now, Chaeyoung. This is just the beginning.", that is all Mino said to her as they watched Jungkook holding his fangs from appearing.

Not long after that, all of them saw the presence of a Siberian tiger right in front of Jungkook who has chains on both his hands. The tiger growled loudly making Jungkook realized that he needed to start defending himself already. Irene stayed behind him keeping control of the fight that will start soon.

"Why is there suddenly a tiger, oppa?", Chaeyoung asked as she looked in fear. "This is his second test. The tiger came for payback for the death of his cub.", Mino answered as he kept his eyes on the big tiger. "What? But...Jungkook didn't kill it, right?", Chaeyoung asked another question. "The tiger didn't know. Now it only see and know that the blood on Jungkook is his cub's. So now Jungkook has to fight with it while holding himself from drinking the blood of the animal.", Mino explained.

After she heard it, she tried to get her hand away from Mino but she cannot beat his strength easily since she is just a human now. Her attempt made Mino tightened his grip on her and told her to listen to him. He went a bit harsh with her but that was the only way to stop her from doing something stupid at the moment.

"If you go to him, you can't even help him! That tiger is visible to our eyes but it only see Jungkook not us. So if you go to him, you will just be a burden to him and make it hard for him to fight with it. That's why you should stay here. It's not the time yet, Chaeyoung.", Mino told her as he revealed that the tiger is not real to them but only to Jungkook who is undergoing the ritual.


I'm sorry for being away for a while. It's a busy week for me. 😅 Anyway, thank youuu to all of you who read this story until now. See ya next time, my dear readers! 😁

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