Rosie, Kookie

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It has been several days for the soulmates to not be able to meet up. However, they made up for it through video calls whenever both of them were not busy. That was how they keep communicating even though they were far from each other.

But today Jungkook chose to visit her at her boutique even though they just had a video call in the morning. When he almost got in, Sooyoung called his name from behind so they went in together. There were Jennie and Jimin lounging on the sofa near the fitting room.

Chaeyoung was not seen and probably in her room, Jungkook thought. "Annyeong, Jennie! Jimin!", Sooyoung said as she patted the best friends who were watching something on Jennie's phone. Both of them turned around and greeted her too. Jungkook just smiled and waved at them at the same time.

"Hey, Jungkook. I haven't seen you for days. Were you tired of trying to be nice with Chaeyoung?", Jennie asked nonchalantly. Jungkook just chuckled at it before shaking his head. Then, he asked where Chaeyoung is and Jennie pointed to the room with white door.

"It's almost lunch time. Are you guys having lunch here?", he asked after that as he saw the clock near the room. Then, Jimin answered him telling that they have ordered food and just waiting for it to come. "You two want to join us, Sooyoung, Jungkook?", Jennie asked after that.

Jungkook looked at Sooyoung as she seemed to be asking him to agree on it. So, Jungkook nodded and said yes to Jennie who clapped her hands after that. "Jimin, I told you it's fine to order too much. It's not a waste.", she said while grinning happily at Jimin.

"Fine, but you really ordered a lot. Last time you ordered, even the workers couldn't finished eating them.", Jimin said before standing up from the sofa. When he was walking away, he saw the delivery guy coming and told Jennie to go get their food while he went to call Chaeyoung.

Jungkook just watched him before Sooyoung asked to help Jennie getting the food.


When they were having their lunch at the table as usual, Chaeyoung excused herself to get a coffee in the pantry. She left them after informing Jennie and did not look back at all. As she got to the pantry, she looked for the coffee that she always drink but it was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, are we out of it already?", she said as she remembered that there was only one coffee sachet left in the container yesterday morning. Then, she thought of the time she bought the coffee and realized she bought two coffee packets stored at the boutique. So, she kept looking for the one that is still not opened.

After minutes of searching, she found it in the kitchen cabinet. "No, who put it there?", she said as she tried to reach it while tiptoeing. Then, she sighed looking at it which was put at the highest level of the cabinet. "I have to get it.", she said and then, she went on top of the kitchen counter to take it down.

She managed to get on top of the counter and tried to take out the coffee packet from the cabinet. However, her left feet slipped off of the counter when she raised her hand to take it out. She was going to fall on the floor but instead of that, she fell into the hug of someone.

"I got you!", she heard his voice as he carefully put her down from the counter. "Let go.", Chaeyoung said in low voice which was enough for him to hear. He was startled but then, remembered about their pretending plan so he let her go and watched her leaving him.


Chaeyoung heard a knock on her door so she allowed the person to come in without even looking. She really got herself busy with designing a new dress that she did not say anything until the person stood in front of her desk. When she heard a coughing sound, she looked up to the person.

She stopped drawing and glared at him. "What do you want?", she said sternly. Jungkook kept his smile and put a cup of coffee on her desk. "Relax, Chae. It's just us in here.", he told her as he sits on the chair facing her. But, she kept her strict face at him before she stared down at the cup.

"You came here with Sooyoung. You shouldn't leave her alone.", Chaeyoung said without looking at Jungkook. The words came out of her mouth made him frowning so he asked if she was really angry with him at that time. "You still think I'm pretending to argue with you?", she asked as she continued drawing  her sketch.

Jungkook shook his head in disbelief of her being real mad at him. "Oh, Chae. Come on, she's just my friend.", he told her but she ignored him. "Chae? Park Chaeyoung?", he called her name but she kept ignoring him. "Rosie...oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were alone.", suddenly Jimin appeared at the door and saw them in there.

"It's okay, Jimin. Is there anything I can help you?", she asked as she smiled at him. Then, he said he will come back later and said goodbye to her. After the door is closed, Chaeyoung quickly looked back on her sketch and continued ignoring Jungkook.

"Wow, you smiled at him. Very wide smile. I'm hurt.", he said as he tried to get her attention. "Can you leave me alone, please?", Chaeyoung asked with her eyes still glued on her sketchbook. In a speed of light, Jungkook appeared behind her and whispered that he cannot leave her.

"Jungkook, please. This is my workplace. Not my home.", she said in a softer voice. "I just want to clarify that Sooyoung and I are just friends. We may have known each other longer than you knew me but my heart only felt something different when I saw you. Keep that in mind and throw away your anger towards me, please.", Jungkook told her with his mouth close to her right ear.

Those sentences made Chaeyoung stopped what she was doing and she turned her swivel chair to face him. They looked at each other for a while before she speaks up. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. Jennie told me how you and Sooyoung looked good together and told me to forget our argument and accept you as my friend. I just... I'm a bit sensitive now.", she told him.

Jungkook chuckled at her before saying sorry. "That was a lot of 'and' there. And...why did Jennie said that I look good with Sooyoung? That was so sudden.", he said as he chuckled again. Then, Chaeyoung told him because Jennie saw him coming together with Sooyoung to the boutique.

"Just because of that? Actually, we met in front of the boutique. Of course, we came in together. Just forget what Jennie said, okay? Remember that I love you. Only you, my Rosie.", Jungkook said as he touched her nose playfully. It made Chaeyoung got shy and pushed his hand away from her.

"Stop teasing. We shouldn't be nice with each other, remember?", she reminded him since they almost got caught by Jimin earlier. Jungkook smiled looking at her red face. They stayed looking at each other for some time before Jungkook ended the silence between them.

He said 'Rosie' and then, 'Kookie' making Chaeyoung frowned at him. He repeated saying those three times making Chaeyoung asked him why. "Rosie, Kookie. Isn't that cute? I heard Jimin called you the same but his name doesn't rhyme with Rosie so he lost already.", Jungkook said to her.

"What? So I am a game to you, Kookie?", Chaeyoung asked him pretending to be angry. "No, I don't mean it that way. It's just...he seemed to like you and I don't like it. But I know you wouldn't want him. Our nicknames just proved it.", he replied while smiling triumphantly.

Chaeyoung covered her mouth as she giggled at him. She had to control her laugh since other people might hear it. She did not want anyone to know that she and Jungkook have actually been good now. So, she did what she had to do next which is chasing him away from her room.

"Go now. We're still fighting, Jungkook.", she said as she pushed him to the door. He followed her words but he stopped her when her hand reached the door. "I love you, my Rosie.", he gave her a quick peck after that and smiled at her. "Oh, need to change the mood.", he suddenly said before his face turned gloomy.

He opened the door and said goodbye to Chaeyoung who stayed at where she stood. Once Jungkook left, she closed the door and leaned on it with her face blushing. "My Rosie, huh? You're cute, Kookie.", she said as she kept rewinding his voice saying it in her mind.

She smiled as she thought about it again and again. It was true Jimin call her Rosie too but it was different when Jungkook said it. She found it very cute. Especially when he added 'my' to show that she is his and not anyone else's.

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