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That afternoon, Jungkook met with Sooyoung at Chanyeol's restaurant to settle the payment for everything he has prepared for his first anniversary with Chaeyoung. He had asked for her help to make his plan for the anniversary going as planned. So, today he will be paying for everything she had done for him.

"Thanks, Sooyoung. I don't know what I'd do without you.", he said as he gave her an envelope filled with big cash in it. He wanted to just transfer them to her account but she insisted cash instead. "You're welcome. I hope your anniversary celebration will be great, Jungkook.", she said as she took the envelope.

"Of course it will be great. You helped me, right?", he replied as he finished his drink. "I just do what you asked me to. I'm your best friend, right?", Sooyoung said even though she felt hurt to admit the words she just said. "Okay, I think I need to go now. Tell your brother I came here and had his special drink.", Jungkook said as he smiled at her.

She knew what he meant so she just laughed at it. "Yes, the last one was bad, right?", she said as she stood up with Jungkook. "It made me...died inside.", he said as he touched his chest. "I thought we're good now, Jungkook?", Chanyeol's voice is suddenly heard from the door.

"Oh, hey. Chanyeol, don't get me wrong. I'm just joking. We're good.", Jungkook said as he quickly shook hands with Chanyeol. Sooyoung just giggled at Jungkook's reaction at that time. "That's good to know. What are you doing here anyway?", Chanyeol asked him.

"Just meeting my best friend, your sister. But, I'm leaving now. I have somewhere to go.", he said before saying goodbye to the siblings. Just after he is gone from their sights, Chanyeol eyed Sooyoung meaningfully. "What's with the look, oppa?", she asked him with curiosity.

"What were you doing with Rosé's husband?", he asked as he pointed at her face. "What?? I'm just helping him for his anniversary with her tomorrow, oppa.", she answered as she shoved his hand away. "Oh, their anniversary's tomorrow? Okay.", he replied as he nodded.

Then, Sooyoung hit his shoulder in a sudden. "Yah, what's wrong with you?", he asked in confusion. "You thought what I was doing, huh? I may like him but he's married, I know that. And you too, please know that he's married to the girl you have a crush on.", she replied making him a bit shocked.

"Sooyoung, don't tell anyone, okay? And that thing... it's all before this. Please forget it.", he said as he followed her going out. "I'll forget it if you stop thinking negative about me and Jungkook, oppa.", she said with a smile on her face making Chanyeol feels annoyed.


Jennie and Chaeyoung accompanied Lisa that afternoon to go to a shopping mall. They followed her around as she looked for something to buy in the mall. But even after 3 hours, Lisa still looked unhappy and sighing at herself when Jennie asked if she was okay.

"I can't think of buy for my parents.", she said to them. The two best friends of her frowned as they looked at her with question mark in their heads. "Why, Lisa? What do you want to buy for them?", Chaeyoung asked her as she looked at Lisa's gloomy face. "Their anniversary is coming and I'll be home to celebrate with them. The thing is...I don't know what to give as a present for them.", she answered.

Jennie and Chaeyoung looked at each other as they heard what Lisa said. Then, both of them smiled at her whole shaking their heads. "Lisa, I thought what it is. So, you're thinking hard what to give your parents? Is it?", Jennie asked as she patted Lisa's shoulder.

"Mm-hmm. I'm sorry if I drag you guys here for nothing. But I really don't know what to give to them. I'm such a bad kid.", Lisa said. Chaeyoung then, said that maybe she should just bring her parents to the country. To be precise, bring them to Paris which is known as the City of Love. "Wow, that's a pretty cool idea.", Lisa told Chaeyoung who suggested it.


After spending time with Jennie and Lisa, Chaeyoung drove home that evening thinking of Jungkook. She suddenly remembered that he wanted to met her tomorrow but he still did not tell her where and when. So, she texted him to ask about it as she got inside her house.

Then, she received a call from him and she answered it without further ado. "Hi, Kookie.", she said as she answered it. "Hey, there my Rosie.", he replied on the other end. " got my message?", she asked him as she sat on the couch at the living room. "Sure, but I'm not telling you where. I'll just tell you when. Tomorrow at 7 I will come to get you from your home. Okay?", he said back to her.

"Why... don't you tell me everything? Jungkook, what are you planning tomorrow?", she asked with a serious tone. She did not like surprises so much, that is why she asked him. "Nothing...big. You'll see when we meet tomorrow. I love you.", he said before ending the call very suddenly on her.

She called his name but the only thing she heard was the sound of the call ended. "He hung up on me? What...wait, what's up with tomorrow actually?", Chaeyoung asked herself as she started to feel like tomorrow is an important day or something. So, she checked the calendar in her phone and looked at the date of tomorrow.

"30th September...oh, no! How could I forgot this?!", she said to herself as she remembered what is important on 30th September. She slapped her face feeling bad for forgetting that date. "That's why Tae chose tomorrow to take me to the prison. And I am going to crush Kookie's heart tomorrow.", she said to herself.

Her tears started to fill her eyes as she thought about all of it. "Oh, I hope I'm not doing this for nothing.", she told herself to be strong for what is coming tomorrow. She is clearly did not see it coming and could just hope everything is going well tomorrow. Even if it means Jungkook's plan for that day will be her.

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