Trust and Promise

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Chaeyoung served the pancakes with honey on the table and asked him what he wanted to drink. "I'd love to drink cold milk today. Chocolate flavor if you have.", he said with a smile and watched her going to the fridge to get it for him. When she opened the fridge, he looked at the inside of it.

"You're lucky I still have half a carton of milk. Here.", she pushed it on the table as she closed the fridge back. Jungkook took it and poured down the milk into his glass. "Thanks. Oh by the way, where'd you hide your blood supplies? I don't see it inside the fridge.", he asked her.

"Oh, well. It's somewhere else. For sure I can't just put it in the fridge. My friends always come here. They'll be shocked if they see it.", Chaeyoung answered him. "Okay, now we can start eating our breakfast.", she said as she put a plate of pancake in front of him.

Jungkook thanked her and before he could take the pancake, his phone vibrated and he took it out from his pant's pocket. Then, he saw the name on the screen and take a look on the message sent to him.

'Jungkook, where are you now?' - the content of the message sent by Mino to Jungkook.

'I'm in Paris. Chaeyoung's house to be precise. Why?' - Jungkook sent a reply to Mino with a smile.

Chaeyoung saw it so she asked who he was messaging with. "My friend, Song Mino. He's a guy. Don't be jealous, Chae.", he answered her while joking around. "I'm just asking. I'm not jealous.", she replied as she bites her pancake. Then, Jungkook's phone vibrated again.

'We need to meet but you have to come alone. Leave Chaeyoung's house quickly and don't let anyone see you leaving.' - Mino replied.

Jungkook read it twice because it sounded like something dangerous if he did not do as Mino said. But, he tried to look calm and replied asking why to Mino as he grabbed his pancake. Just after he took the first bite, Mino has replied to him.

'I'll tell you when we meet. For now, could you come and see me at my house?' - that is what written in the message.

'Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can.' - Jungkook tapped the send button and put his phone in his pant's pocket back.

Then, he quickly finished eating the pancake he dipped with honey. Chaeyoung looked at him and asked why he looked rushing in a sudden. But, he just smiled and drank the milk in one go emptying the glass.

"There's somewhere I need to go. But I promise I'll come back here after I'm done.", he said as he took his plate and glass to the sink. He washed them as Chaeyoung's eyes followed his move. "Where are you going?", she asked him. Jungkook put the clean plate and glass on their place before turning around to look at Chaeyoung.

"Will you trust me if I tell you?", he asked her back, worried that she lost trust in him. Chaeyoung nodded and said that she will always trust him. "Okay, Mino is a wizard. I asked for his help to find Taehyung since I can't sense him. He probably has the answer already so I need to see him. In Geneva.", Jungkook revealed.

Chaeyoung nodded but then, she asked if he meant Geneva, Switzerland. "Yes, in Switzerland. I promise I'll be quick and come back before you know it.", he assured her as he put both his hands on her shoulders. "I want to go with you.", she replied as she got her feet on the floor from the high chair she sat.

Jungkook gulped as he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Chae but I can't take you with me. I have to go alone.", he told her while keeping his expressionless face not wanting her to see him sad. If he could, he wanted her to follow but Mino have said that he has to come alone.

Jungkook looked at Chaeyoung's face and he can see she was sad after what he told her. "Promise me you'll come back.", she uttered it out as she showed her little finger to him. He smiled as he hooked it with his own making a pinky promise. "I promise.", he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Before I go, I need your phone number. We can still contact even if I'm away.", he said as he showed her his phone. Then, Chaeyoung put her phone number in it and saved her name as 'My 💓'. "Don't change the name, okay?", she said as she gave him his phone back and he looked at the name she saved.

"Okay.", he replied as he typed something. Then, Chaeyoung's phone which was at the table in the living room made a sound. "You got a message from someone.", he said making Chaeyoung wanted to move to get her phone but he stopped her. "Nuh-uh. Wait.", he said before he stepped up and kissed her lips softly. "See you later, love.", he said before vanishing from there.

Chaeyoung looked at the wind on the window's curtain near the front door and smiled. Then, she walked to the front and took her phone on the table. She opened the message sent by the unknown number and read it.

'Hi, Chae. Thanks for the breakfast. Love you, Kookie. 😘' - the content of the message is enough to make her blushing at that time.

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