The reason

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Jungkook waited for her at the tree in front of her house after seeing that she is walking back from the café. However, Chaeyoung tried to get away when she saw Jungkook and it made Jungkook even more weird of her.

He chases her down and pulled her hand to stop her after she ignored him shouting her name out loud. "Why are you running away from me?", he asked as he faces her but she looks down, trying to avoid facing him.

"Chaeyoung, I asked you.", he said again after she did not say a word at all. "Don't come to my house again. Please.", she said before turning around. But, Jungkook is faster than her that he stood in front of her stopping her again. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong to you? Is it just because I didn't contact you for a week that you distancing yourself from me?", he asked multiple questions at once.

Hearing all the questions, Chaeyoung cannot help from getting her eyes teary. She could not say a word or she would end up crying so she pushes him away and runs away from him.

However, he managed to pass her when they got in front of her house and she eventually stopped when he holds her hands. "Tell me what's wrong.", he said again, still not giving up. "What's important is you're not the one at fault.", she finally talked before releasing her hands from his and continue walking to the door.

As she walked, the door opened and Jiwoo came out. She called Jooyeon out too and all four of them meet again. Chaeyoung freezes where she is with Jungkook stands beside her.

"Jungkook, Chaeyoung's boyfriend. How are you? It's been so long you didn't come here.", Jooyeon said as she walks nearer to them. Jungkook just smiled slightly when Chaeyoung walked into the house leaving them all.

"Did you two get into a fight?", Jiwoo asked Jungkook as she sees Chaeyoung going away. Jungkook shook his head and said that they just had a little misunderstanding before excusing himself.


Jooyeon storms into Chaeyoung's room and yells at her for how she behaved just now in front of Jungkook. Chaeyoung who is just about to relax herself got startled of her coming in like that.

"Why do you care how I behaved in front of others?", Chaeyoung asked in an angry voice. She has had enough of Jooyeon meddling in her relationship with Jungkook that she dare to talk that harshly at her.

"Oh now you dare to talk back, huh? Didn't I tell you to keep a good relationship with him? He's not just others. He's your boyfriend!", Jooyeon said in even angrier voice.

"He's boyfriend.", Chaeyoung said in a sudden. "Not anymore.", she added.

Jooyeon slapped her cheek hard and told her that she was being stupid. She was stupid for breaking up with Jungkook.

"I told you I'd rather break up with him than following your crazy plan.", Chaeyoung said with tears falling from her eyes as she felt pain from the slap.

"How dare you say my mom's plan is crazy?!", Jiwoo said while walking into the room quickly and confronted Chaeyoung. She attempted to hit Chaeyoung but Jooyeon stopped her and they left the room. Chaeyoung locked her room and cried while touching her hurt cheek.


Jungkook walked lifelessly to his house after what he had heard back at Chaeyoung's house. He already know the reason why Chaeyoung avoided him now. She was just doing it so that her stepmother does not take advantage of her relationship with him.

However, Jungkook does not want that to happen. He has a feeling for her. Yes, he realized that clearly now. No matter what, he has to find a way so that he can still get in touch with her.


"Hello, ma'am.", Jungkook greeted as he sees Jooyeon who just came back from somewhere. "Oh, hello. Jungkook, are you see Chaeyoung?", she asked when she looked for the house key in her hand bag.

"No, actually...I want to see you, ma'am.", Jungkook said and helped her carry the plastic bags she had with her. "I'll help you with these.", he added when Jooyeon opened the lock. "Oh, that's so nice of you. But... why do you want to see me?", Jooyeon asked before stepping inside.

"I've something to talk to you. It's about me and Chaeyoung.", he answered before Jooyeon allowing him to walk inside. He looked around and then, asked Jooyeon if Jiwoo is not home and she said yes. "She'll be back in a half an hour. Do you want to see her?", she asked.

Jungkook shook his head and said that he was just asking. Then, Jooyeon took the plastic bags with her and made a lemonade juice for Jungkook at the kitchen. After five minutes, Jooyeon comes with a jug of lemonade and gives Jungkook a glass of it.

She sits next to him and asks him what is it that he wants to talk about with her. Just after he took a sip from the glass, he looked at her in the eyes. The next thing he does is what he never intended to do to Chaeyoung or her family.

"Listen to me. You'll never interfere with Chaeyoung's relationship with me anymore. Just let her do what she wants as long as it's not bad for her.", Jungkook said to her before excusing himself.


"Sorry I had to do that to you, Ms Jeon.", Jungkook said while walking away from the house.

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