Chapter thirty-five

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~Sam's POV~

I woke up early the next morning and looked outside and noticed that Gill was staring at something in the large oak tree. I borrowed my brows wondering if it was just a squirrel or something. Because Buddy was barking up the tree like it was a squirrel. I pulled on short shorts and a tank top. And went to the back yard to see what was stirring them up so much. I looked up at the tree. Dawn was just now peeking through the clouds. Birds started going crazy. I started jumping up the tree. Landing on the largest branch and notice I had a stalker.

“Uh hem.” I coughed

I dodged the knife that was thrown towards me.

“What?!” he snarled.

“Why are you in the oak tree in my back yard?” I questioned him.

“Because I wanted to explore and chosed this place to rest for the night.” he snarled.

I rolled my eyes jumping back down.

let me get dressed and I'll show you around the place. Around the town not my house my parents can't know about the mission.” I glared

He rolled his eyes and stared at the setting moon. I had returned with a training suit and had left a note on the kitchen table for my parents. I made a hand motion for him to follow. I had jumped onto my fence and balanced on the edge. Gill followed by jumping clear over the fence leaving poor Buddy all behind. I lead him to the town square first.

“This is the town square, over there is the bakery, and there is the library, and in the middle is the city hall. Down this way you have the drug store and small grocery store. And across the street of those two is the post office.” I pointed out.

“Down this road it will take you to the old jr. high, and then to the newer middle school. Thats where the kids here learn, and past the road to get there is farm land as far back as the eye can see. Then to the south of where my house is the high way intersection. We don't travel by foot or horses any more we have cars. But I would prefer Gill any way.” I patted Gillford on the neck “ here there is a hardware store, you can get your blades sharpened there, or by supplies for yards and etc. beside it across the street is the CVS which is a small grocery store with pharmacy. Then there is the alcohol store which I would never enter. And then heres the gas station. Gas is what powers our cars. This big horse takes grass. So we don't need gas. If you head towards the high school the road beyond leads you to the fair grounds and more farmland and then into another town. If you continue down this high way you will pass a few houses streets that lead to more houses. Then you get to Walmart and some of the auto places its the most active place before the apocalypse that is. After the apocalypse there are little people that live here most of them young adults anyways. Other than eight adults who are older aged. Past that there all young adults around 24 to 26 years old. Some may have some small children but I think it will take a long time for this country to get back on its feet. Thats if you ask me. Oh by the way this country is call the United states of America. This is just a small town in the state of Indiana.” I babbled.

He looked uninterested in what I was babbling on about the after math. I looked back from where we came from and led him back towards him the short way. Passing the Jay-C, then turning right before we got there where bread store was. Then right again down the street with the first Baptist church the left passing elementary school a then right on to Meridian street. We came up to the yellow house. My house. I let him jump back into the tree he laughed when my father caught me in the front yard. I jumped off Gillford's back.

“The neighbors want you to do something now that you are here, you can go see what they want.” he said suspiciously. Watching me closely.

I nodded. And patted Gill as he followed me towards the neighbors house. I entered the gate, gill stood at the other side and waited for my return. I walked up the crumbling steps and knocked loudly on the old door. I feared I would break the door off its hinges.

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