Chapter twenty-nine

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~No ones POV~

“Be safe Zera, Come visit anytime,” he called after her

She frowned knowing that she had already betrayed the village with out them knowing. Her children waited at the gates for her. She smiled and ushered them onward towards where the new location their father was.

Else where, Sam was riding Gillford long and hard deep into the forest after she had been set free from the village. Though she follows the map accordingly. What she doesn't know is that in less than two miles she'd be at the location she needed to be in. She jumped off Gillford and sighed as she had to take a brake for the both of them. Goliath was still calm as ever as if running ten miles full speed was nothing to him.

Sam was putting her backpack on the dog, strapping it down just because he told her to.

“Still don't know why but okay.” she sighed.

She found a stream just acrossed the place where the snake man worked. She looked up and noticed a boy with duck butt hair and she wanted to laugh out loud but remained silent as a mouse as she brought her horse to the water to drink. Goliath entered the and drank from the river as well. Sam squatted down and cupped her hands into the water bringing it to her mouth to drink. She noticed the teen had seen her in between large dog, and large horse. A smile crept onto her face but disappeared as fast.

She stood up and pulled a small blanket out of the saddle bag that ginger had given her. It was to hide the saddle on Gillford when he went back into the wild part of the forest where ever I reside. I pulled it up over his back and tied it down to the saddle. I took some of the ninja supplies but not all of it. I slapped him on the hide quarters. That was his signal to go disappear for a while. She smiled as he left. Then it was just Goliath and her. Standing there as she popped her neck before continuing her travels another mile's walk. Soon she was attacked by the same teen from earlier. She jumped back before he had even touched her. She had pulled out a knife defensively. As he came at her again, her aura changed and a deadly laugh curled out of her lips.

Samara was enthralled to fight, but Sam was suppressing her the best she could. The boy was shocked by the ever changing aura deep inside her. He was puzzled but didn't stop fighting. Until sam spoke in a matter of fact tone.

“So my teacher, Zera, Was right about you after all I guess.”

She frowned as her attacks became stronger. Against the his level that didn't change. The longer they fought the more she became stronger. For being out of shape this fight was getting her back into the grove. Soon she was capable of using her fullest running speed. Which was much faster than the boy could see. Even with his red eyes. If she doesn't use chakra or contain it in her then how can he see her. That was the special training that Kuda gave her. Was the unmatched speed that was even better than Zera and Zane's in fighting that is. She used the trees to bounce off of. Her light weight allowed her to move much faster than any average runner now that is.

She'd use a knife to hold her position and then she would yank it out which was only a split second when she would put all her force into her jump.

“I can already say you've learned her style of fighting.” The teen sneered.

Sam laughed out loud. Not daring to stop her sprint bouncing off the trees. Goliath went into the bushes.

“Yeah she saved me from a life full of misery– I became stronger than I once was. But it looks like I might be a better fighter than even you. You can't even comprehend how many years Kuda and I worked together so I can run this speed. At least eight years.” she snickered

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